noise gates
Gates Radio Company 3529 Limiter
Analogue sequencer plugins: modulating gate length
I use Cubase and I'm trying out various analog sequencer-style free plugins in order to create Tangerine Dream Berlin school short MIDI monophonic note sequences. One thing that seems to be missing is the facility to continuously modulate the gate (note) length.
Noise Gates - How they work and what they do !
Hi gang,
Here's another video Back to basics about gates.
Please let me know what you think.
How to use the VST plugin SideChain Gate/Expander
Any help would be appreciated :-)
I am trying to figure out how the side-chain portion of the gate works. The "manual" is useless, but I guess you get what you pay for :-O
The problem is that I'm not sure how to "route" a signal to the side-chain input.
Signal Path, Bus, Aux, Gates & Sends
So, there are two major subjects thats I'm trying to wrap my brain around. In this case (as it very well may be in general) they are closely related:
What about noise gates?
With all this talk about compressors giving a "flavor" to a sound, I've begun to wonder about noise gates.
I've been tinkering around with 2 of them on Cubase. Am I actually hearing a difference in the sound or is it my imagination? The two are set to identical settings.
A dynamic device that has the ability to stop audio passing through it based on a certain threshold. Originally designed to shut down audio output in passages with no program material (where tape hiss might be evident) or to lower bleed on drum microphones. Gates can also been used creatively, notably the gated reverb of Phil Collins' 80s drum sound.
Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 firmware probem
In an [=""]earlier post[/]="http://recording.or…"]earlier post[/] I described some problems I had been having. I initially attributed them to Pro Tools 8. My current guess is that PT8 was not my main problem.
My First Pro Tools 8 (Correction - Seagate) Disaster
Well, I guess I spoke too soon about not having any trouble with PT8. As I learned from Sweetwater tech support today, PT8 does not like to deal with USB drives. So transferring a .wav file from a jump drive can make your computer six kinds of crazy. I managed to get PT working with the CS3 update.