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Pro Tools is a digital audio workstation developed and released by Avid Technology for Microsoft Windows and macOS. It is used for music creation and production, sound for picture and, more generally, sound recording, editing, and mastering processes.

PT MIX X PT HD @ 44.1k/24bits

Hi friends!
Seems this is my first post on this forum page..

I use PT Mix 5.1.1 with 2 ADAT bridges light piped to an 02R, mostly at 44.1k/24 bits. I know this is weird and hard to quantize, but assuming two different situations that I present below.. what are the advantages in each case, in terms of percentage:

a) PT MIX x PT HD both at 44.1k/24 bits

Cakewalk, Pro Tools, Cool edit...which to use?

If I want to simply record the audio (sequenced) from my Kurzweil workstation onto my Turtle Beach soundcard, and then add a vocal track, which program(s) would serve me best? I have Cakewalk pro 8, Cool edit pro 1.0, and the Pro-tools free download program. I am using a Joemeek VC3Q pre-amp and a V67 LD condenser for the vocal tracks.