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HD24 problems anyone?

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19 years 4 months
Submitted by RemyRAD on Tue, 12/23/2008 - 20:50

Here is something I'd like to share with those who have or have been thinking about using/purchasing an Alesis HD24 by Newmark. Apparently there has been some complaints regarding vibration issues, high sound pressure levels. The machine mysteriously dropping out of record mode? This might help those who have these machines and who may have had these problems. Let me know?

Cubase LE problems

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24 years 4 months
Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 11/28/2008 - 14:05

hey everyone,
i'm using Cubase LE to record on my laptop but the program freezes momentarily every 6 minutes, as if it were auto saving or some thing, the computer has 2 gig of RAMand a fairly up to date prossesor. this is really annoying because if the pause happens during a take, it'll stop recording and if i don't notice it straight away i waste everyones time. please help!

Studio ground loop problems- A given?

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16 years 3 months
Submitted by jm2 on Thu, 10/16/2008 - 11:55

I am reconfiguring an extremely modest studio (A DAW with Cubase LE4, respectable monitoring, a few mics, and a couple of rack units like compressor, preamps etc).

I understand that it is desirable to have everything powered from one outlet to avoid ground loops, but sometimes that is impractical.

Seeking help with static problem recording on laptop

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24 years 4 months
Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 10/13/2008 - 15:10

I recently got a laptop, and was horrified when I tried recording for the first time. I am simply plugging into the mic jack on the front, and no matter what I have plugged in be it a microphone or guitar there is a terrible static. It starts with a loud pop at the beginning of the recording, and persists as very noisy static throughout.