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Clipping Peak Removal?


I have several old tracks that have the odd clipped peak. I was wondering on recommendations for 'fixing' these. I realise that these are somewhat limited in scope, but in my case these are tracks that are fine except for 3-4 unsightly overs.

I've seen adverts for various tools like Izotope and so on, but never used them (Happily using WL4 for close to a decade I guess.)

Peak Hold

The part of a non-mechanical meter, where the topmost LED will stay lit to indicate an over. Useful in digital recording or mastering situations where any overs are undesirable. Often the length of time a meter will display the over is user definable as is what constitutes an over (how many successive samples.)

References considered during RMS or Peak compression?

Could someone correct any of my thinking here, and answer my questions also? Please read carefully and make sure you
understand the question before responding. If I am not making myself clear, I can make a 5 minute video and post it on YouTube and post a link to the video with me demonstrating and asking the question.