PreSonus Firebox, Cubase Le, iBook POPS & CRACKLES...hel
Here's the gear: Mac iBook 1.33 Ghz laptop with 1.25 gb RAM, running OS X 10.3.9. PreSonus Firebox with Cubase Le Ve 1.0.7.
the quick rundown: I plugged a guitar in, recorded about 2 minutes of audio, sounds fine. Then I inserted a drum loop and repeated it to the same amount of time. Sounds fine.
Sebatron - PreSonus firebox - mac: not enough volume
I'm using a RODE K2 and Peluso CEMC 6 to record a guitar thru my Sebatron into the TRS in's of the PreSonus Firebox and then into my powerbook.
how many of you firebox owners leave your box running 24/7?
is it safe to leave it running cause it gets really hot
and can someone tell me what constitutes as being a good preamp? does the firebox have good preamps ?
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Sebatron , PreSonus firebox, powerbook G4
I'm using a RODE K2 and Peluso CEMC 6 to record a guitar in stereo thru my Sebatron into the Firebox and then into the powerbook.
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PreSonus Firebox
this is kind of changing the subject, but now that you guys have made it clear that it's totally wrong going from the Sebatron into a mixer (basically another pre) and that totally makes sense, I wonder if I've made another mistake on a recent purchase...
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