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CDR Quality & dupe speed - are we dealing with fact

OK I have a Microboards 4 bay StartRec stand-alone (has a hard drive) CDR buner that does:

1 x
4 x
8 x


So, speed? Duplicators? Errors? Checking them?

I mean it's digital aint it?

So it should be perfect!

I do know one thing, media is of primary importance, I make sure I use the recomended CDR's for it.

Bouncing & Quality

I need to bounce some tracks to disk with effects printed because I am running out of processor capacity. My questions is when and why is the 3.5db bounce needed? Also do you lose any quality when bouncing? I am keeping everything in the 24bit domain as I still need to work the files in the 24 bit mix. They will be dithered and sample rate converted when the final mix is complete.


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