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Tips on what I should remove from my mixing chain before mastering...

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Submitted by redbort on

So I just finished mixing my record and am gonna start shopping around to get it mastered.

I've currently got this chain on the end of my mix

Waves NLS > EQ for mids > EQ for highs > Waves NLS > Cytomic Glue Compressor >Audio Damage ADverb >

MidSide EQ > Waves NLS > SSL Compressor > Waves L2 Ultramaximizer

Click/Pop Removing

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Submitted by liveit777 on

Hey Everybody!

I'm having a problem with clicks and pops in my song. Even when I blow up the waveform, I can't even see the clicks. I'm not sure how to get rid of them. I've tried to EQ the clicks out but have to take out to much of the high-endto make it leave. Any tips?

PS. . I'm using Pro Tools 10.

In Need Of Help- Removing cracking/popping Sounds.

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Submitted by Johnny_musiCman on

Hello There!

I have my tracks already recorded and am doing the touch ups.

I'm working in Logic Pro 8.

There are around 5 small glitchy cracks that occur throughout the song. Im sure its common enough. Could you please tell me how in this program I can remove them. Perhaps there are multiple different ways.

Removing a track from a prerecorded audio CD

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Submitted by d-lettow on

Please forgive my stupidity here, I am just a trumpet player. But, I am trying to create a accompaniment CD that I can practice my horn with. I want to take a pre-recorded Chris Botti CD and remove his trumpet track so that I can play along with the CD without his trumpet being heard. Is this possible?