Replacement for Pro Tools free on Mac OS X
Since Pro Tools free is not available for Mac OS X. Are there any other comparable and free (!) audio applications for OS X out there?
-- T
Since Pro Tools free is not available for Mac OS X. Are there any other comparable and free (!) audio applications for OS X out there?
-- T
Just want to give my input to this seemingly important topic.
What options are available which would provide L1/L2 type processing at a low cost as a plug in?
I just want to try some stuff out to see if this type of effect is for me.
I have a DP-4 unit I use basically for my drum reverbs it is an amazing piece of gear problem is that it is broke and the company which was bought out no longer does anything for it's customers
so I am going to purchase a new reverb unit for
I have a DA-88 with transport locked up S err 11.
Took out the transport for a look, and its obvious a couple of the plastic (gears/cams) are bad (teeth worn etc).
Question. .can Tascam repair centers replace just the cams or do they have to replace the entire transport at $1400 less rebate?
Will you recommend a repair center in Mid-West?
I remember reading that there were replacement drivers for the Adaptec ATA/100 RAID 1200A controller somewhere that worked better than the Adaptec drivers...anybody remember where I saw that post?
I have several 100mm Alps faders that are wobbling side-to-side. They still travel smoothly and have no apparent signal degradation.
I was wondering if anyone knows why this is happening, if they can be fixed or should I go ahead and replace them, and if so, where can I purchase them?