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do you really need college to be successful in the music biz

hey everyone
I'm a senior in high school
and an aspiring recording artists
i'm just having trouble right now debating on
whether i should go to college or not for my career?
Because I have found this great school to go to
for being a recording artists
but then again on the other hand
do you really need college to be successful in the


Hey everyone, I'm about to be a highschool senior and I've begun searching for schools to attend for my post-highschool education. I want to take my skills at recording beyond just being a hobby. I would like to see my self as not only a producer/mixer/ maybe masterer (I have great ears), but as a helpful aid to the musician(s).

Flat Drum Sounds

I just can't get a good Drumset recording. I've tried everything. I can now (after a week) get a decent drumset recording, but not near what I want. I'm getting there, but I can't get anything better than what I have. I've tried multiple mic placements, volumes, etc.

-- note: I am a drummer by nature ;)