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Submitted by PJH on Tue, 08/26/2014 - 10:35

Hi everyone,

I'd like to share a track that we recorded a while ago that I've uploaded to Soundcloud. The track is called "Cast in Stone" and was supposed to be part of our sixth album but unfortunately has never seen the light of day due to various reasons...

The band is called "Off the Edge".

The track was recorded in SONAR and mastered in Adobe Audition.

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Submitted by masterdeeno on Thu, 08/21/2014 - 08:09

I'm looking to buy my first studio monitor to be connected to my Behringer mixer. I am currently using an active Electro-Voice loudspeaker to playback my music, but I figured it has its own EQ that kind of masks the output from my source. I also have a monitoring headphone, but I find it very uncomfortable if mixing/mastering songs for more than 4 hours.

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Submitted by ernesto on Sat, 07/12/2014 - 09:20

I have just moved into a house and have a fairly large unfinished basement from which to build a project studio. There is no insulation to speak of and everything is just basically framed with no drywall. There is power but I do have an electrician who is able to run power to virtually any location in th basement should the need come up.

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Submitted by Greg Deeter on Sun, 06/22/2014 - 21:31

I have acquired 5 each Genelec 1038A 3 way monitors in excellent condition. I also managed to pick up a Genelec 1094A Subwoofer in the package. These were replaced in 2004 by the 1038B... not a huge amount of difference between the models. These retailed for close to $9K each...

I would consider a qty offer if anyone is game.

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Pro Tools
Submitted by Davedog on Wed, 05/07/2014 - 16:28

Well, it has officially started. Probably the last for a while as I'm retired from my "career". But this time I will finish what I started several years ago. I have a full-length record starting next week so the upgrade will be in steps culminating in a total change in the orientation of the room and even furniture.