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In signal processing, sampling is the reduction of a continuous-time signal to a discrete-time signal. A common example is the conversion of a sound wave to a sequence of "samples". A sample is a value of the signal at a point in time and/or space; this definition differs from the term's usage in statistics, which refers to a set of such values.

A sampler is a subsystem or operation that extracts samples from a continuous signal. A theoretical ideal sampler produces samples equivalent to the instantaneous value of the continuous signal at the desired points.

The original signal can be reconstructed from a sequence of samples, up to the Nyquist limit, by passing the sequence of samples through a type of low-pass filter called a reconstruction filter.

16bit trks to 24 for mixing: gain vs. . pain?

As a mixing assignment I'm presented with tracks recorded with a so-so 16 bit interface. They're not terrible, but of course they leave something to be desired.

What I'm asking is would it be benficial for me to convert them (internally via software) to 24 bit files, or perhaps just the stereo mix as a 24 bit file, before they ultimately get dithered back to 16?

02R 24 bit ADAT cards?

I am an 02R owner and am considering going to a 24 bit HD recorder using ADAT light pipe. However, the Yamaha ADAT card uses a proprietary Alesis optical chip that will only pass a 20 bit word length. Other than the expensive TC Electronic 02R Unit Y card (for which you're mostly paying for the plugin processors), are there any reliable 3rd party 24 bit ADAT cards out there?

Anyone using a Joemeek VCQ-1cs w/VC1QD 24bit card?

I have been searching for a "nicer" Mic Pre and compressor to use as a front end to the Digi 001. I would like to have a discrete solid state mic preamp with very little coloration to be used on a variety of source material. I have been very impressed by the FMR Audio RNC compressor and have heard a Mic Pre is in the works but I have no idea when that might be available.


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