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Hardware Sequencer versus Computer Software Sequencing

Does anyone know of a good drum machine and sequencer for piano and guitar. Hardware that is. I have a EMU 0404 card and software installed in my computer, but I keep getting crashes, so I am having a hard time trying to transfer CD's from my DAW recorder, 8 track, to my computer software, which is a Cubase software program and a Patchmix mixer.

Notation/sequencing software of my dreams?

I would like to find the notation/midi sequencing software of my dreams. I've been a Cakewalk user for quite some time, but their "staff view" doesn't do what I would want my dream software to do. Does anyone know of a notation/sequencing package that will notate/play midi in much the same fashion as sheet music is written (and performed)? What I mean is the ability to:

Notation/sequencing dream software?

I would like to find the notation/midi sequencing software of my dreams. I've been a Cakewalk user for quite some time, but their "staff view" doesn't do what I would want my dream software to do. Does anyone know of a notation/sequencing package that will notate/play midi in much the same fashion as sheet music is written? What I mean is the ability to: