Using Two Audio Interfaces on a Single Computer
Is it possible to use two Audio Interfaces on a single Computer ( Mac)
Also what's the use of Patch bay and ADAT card?
Thanks again!
Regards Norman!
Is it possible to use two Audio Interfaces on a single Computer ( Mac)
Also what's the use of Patch bay and ADAT card?
Thanks again!
Regards Norman!
Hi Everyone! First post here and just starting to get into the audio world, please help me with my lack of understanding!
Something I've never really considered in all my years recording is wrapped around these new 'requirements' for the streaming platforms - LUFS.
Wow, it took me a long time to get back on my feet but I am getting there.
I'm looking at the Apollo X8P to run on my faithful i7 which is still on W7. I will upgrade to W10. Hopefully I can use it.
Anyone know much about running Thunderbolt 3 on a PC? How to interface it best, what card. Maybe I can't even use my current PC box. Just starting research now. :)
For audio professionals working in stereo, surround and immersive formats up to 22.2, we present the m908. All new, from the ground up system architecture represents a plethora of new technical achievements for us.
I read something at gearslutz that make me think but didnt understand 100%
Im into analog summing, my setup is Orion32 as converters, 2Bus+ and Pure2 for capturing the whole mix.
Hello all.
After a successful time with Kontakt player, I decided to go for this package, which seems to be on everlasting sale, and frankly, I wasn't expecting much as I don't have much use for modern stuff - and the collection is packed with synths and drum machines and weird sounds. However there were enough things I'd find useful so I went for it. 115GB later, I thought I'd have a go.
this is a pretty cool video, even if it is a promo. glad people are gonna be informed about this great technique! i hope they end up trying the technique, and not just going the plugin route only.