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Mahogany vs. . Basswood For Guitar Body

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Submitted by kmetal on

Hey everyone,

I'm looking into buying a 'beater' guitar to mess around with while my house is under re-model, and I'm assembling the first phase of my remote recording rig, website, etc. i also want to use it to learn soldering and guitar mods on. needless to say, i already feel bad for the guitar. lol.

Recording on a laptop

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Submitted by Longinen Timemin 1 on

I'm new to this recording on computer deal and I am frankly very put off with what I found online already. I remember trying Acid Pro and Audacity years ago but I didn't get much into it. Now I found a cool site called Soundtrap that although it isn't all that advanced instrumentally, it's a whole package... recording and virtual instruments.

Home Studio Vocal Microphone Recommendations

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Submitted by topman20000 on

I am setting up my home studio, and would like a recommendation for one or more for two different applications: video game voice over, and clean opera vocals.

Recommendations can either be for one multipurpose microphone, or two sepparate microphones for each application

Here are the conditions.

SOUND FORGE Audio Studio 12 – Your feedback is welcome!

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Submitted by MAGIX on

Hello everybody,

We would like to take the opportunity and initiate our first round of feedback here in the community. We want to tailor this discussion around our new SOUND FORGE Audio Studio 12. Please feel free to tell us what you like and dislike, and your ideas and wishes for future features!