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Preamp Tube Shootout

I recently invested in a few different tubes for my amp which only has room for a single preamp tube, the rest is solid state. I thought I'd share my findings with you. I could hear and feel a pretty nominal difference while playing through the amp, but to be honest I strain to hear the difference in the recordings, maybe your experience will be different.

New To Tube Heads

A few years back I purchased a Crate Blue Voodoo 60w tube head. Ive recently heard about tube replacing and would like to know more about it. Since I've had it, I have never changed the tubes, and who knows about the previous owner(s). How can I diagnose my tubes, and what (if needed) should they be replaced with? I know very little about this head!

Using a tube amp w/o a cab... I need a Cab sim/DI

So I'm selling my Ampeg 8x10 because I no longer do gigs at the moment, and I can probably repurchase an Avatar 1x15 or 2x12 if I ever wanted to start up a band again... (plus I need the money!)

But I am never selling my SVT2-Pro. NEVER!

I want to use it to record (well, I have before but if I sell my cab...well, you see the problem).


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