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Langevin Dual Vocal Combo or Focusrite ISA 428?

Hi everyone,

Some of you might remember a thread I posted a while ago about spending US$4000 on preamps. Turns out I'll only have half that money for 6 months, and I have a CD to record that must be out by December.

So, I can only buy one of the pres we discussed, and they were the Langevin Dual Vocal Combo and the Focusrite ISA428.

Vocal compression - does quality matter?

As a trained singer I do my best to sing at right kind of levels and have studied and practiced mic technique. I've been trying to find out more about the recording process and was suprised to be told by one engineer that the quality of the vocal compressor isn't that important. In my recording experience, engineers always seemed to save one of their best compressors for vocals.

Vocal placement

I am recording some of my songs on a friend's computer, and my vocals seem to overpower the other instruments just as I put them loud enough to be heard. The voice sounds to bassy, not clear enough. I'm not sure what it is, but it sounds as if the vocals aren't part of the song, but a loud, unpretty, Karaoke performance.


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