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Adding vocals after the instrumental mix is done

I produce rap 'beats', and when I have someone who'd like to rap over it and records it, adding them to the mix [which is already the 2track mix-down w/o vox] doesn't sound like they fit well.

What can I do if I can't touch the instrumentals? Or no matter what I try to add/configure, it just isn't going to be a good mix?

Best Mic/Preamp Combo for Vocals

I'm currently using a RODE NTK with an Avalon 737sp. Can someone give me some ideas on mic/preamp combos that would be better than this. I record mostly Contemporary Country and Pop, some R&B. Male tenor range. I also do VOs.

I've heard a lot of raving about the new BLUE Kiwi and the Sound Projects T3 mics. Anyone used them and with what preamp?