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Vocal chain help in Samplitude Pro X5

I'm trying to set up a simple vocal chain in Samplitude pro x5 using Aux buses but can't quite wrap my head around it. I have made my own templates in the past which typically include some midi drums sent to a drum bus, a couple guitar tracks sent to a guitar bus, bass sent to a bass bus, vocals sent to a vocal bus etc.. These buses, I send to a submix bus which is then sent to my main outs.

vocal chain thoughts

Hi all! Been a while. Well, I'm recording a female vocalist, and I am going to try everything I have on her initial demos to see what works best with her voice. Not that I have much, but it is what it is! I'm looking to see what the folks here think would be the go-to chain (with what I have) for a bluesy female voice, not having heard it...this is more of an exercise.


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