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live vocal mic

hello, I'm a singer in loud metal/rock bands but i actually sing not shout or scream so my voice isn't shout level loud. I'm looking around for a good vocal mic for live use. i owned a Shure beta 58 sometime ago but sold it because although it did cut through a loud mix it sometimes sounded a little shrill or brittle on the top end.

Looking for a new vocal mic and monitors.

I’m racking my brain here. I need to pick up the following gear, but I live in a remote area, so A/Bing this gear isn’t possible. I know my ear will tell me if I like something or not, but I have to buy most of my gear online, so I don’t really have that option, unless I use a LOT of time and shipping costs. Plus I’m limited on funds right now (I’ve sunk all my money into building my studio).


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