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removing vocals from songs (expert boy VTS plugin )


Hi guys new to the board and a bit confused but this seemed like a pretty good sub-forum to post this in. Do you guys know of any good way to remove vocals without getting very noticable effects on the instrumental track from an mp3? is it possible at all? using expert boy didn't work at all for me.

I need help with recording vocals on Cubase le?


Hi, Im an up and comeing MC form the UK I'm 17 and have been writing music since i was 12 i was working with various top producer like Zed Bias from Sidewinder and others but now I'm trying to start my build my own studio but atm i jus need to record some tracks to make money to put into the studio equipment. I have some backing instrumentals and just need to put my vocals on them.

How should I setup my Recording stuff to record vocals.


Hi Everyone,

My name is Uzair, and i want some help in setting my home studio. I have the following hardware:

1- Toshiba Intel Core2 Duo Laptop
2- Audio-Technica AT2020 condenser microphone
3- Tapco Mix (by Mackie) 260FX Mixer (to use as audio interface)
4- Behringer U Control UCA202 USB Audio Interface