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I've been considering the dpa4060 as a very discreet all-purpose omni. Would it be suitable for more distant micing? I've heard some great recordings where it was used in a binaural system, but in each case the sound source was quite loud, so the SN ratio didn't really matter.



anonymous Sat, 03/26/2005 - 18:38

I have used the 4061s quite a bit, both with and without the grill (removing the grill yields a flat response). This mic is a good example of how specs lead you to expect something that your ears will NOT notice-- in this case a higher noise figure than its larger siblings. One advantage of the grill is that when you EQ out the HF rise you also remove some noise.

This is an amazingly good mic at any price, and a real bargain!


John Stafford Sat, 03/26/2005 - 23:10

Sorry Rich, I must have been thinking of someone else -or more probably I took you up wrong :oops:

I think I remember someone talking about these for piano , but not inside; just as an economic alternative to some other DPA mics.

Anyhow, it's great to know that these mics are so good. One good thing for me is that they're cheap in Europe as well!

Thanks Rich 8-)
