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I'm not too familiar with preamps, . but i need more than the 4 given preamps on my digi 002, so what are some good preamps with about 4 - 6 inputs on them...I'm lookin for some quality ones, not crappy ones


Reggie Sat, 09/10/2005 - 10:51

For that small of a budget, about the best 4-channel pre you can get is a Sytek. Might stretch the budget just a little. Otherwise, just get a Mackie Onyx board, which is bound to come in handy anyway.

For about $900 you could get a Seventh Circle Audio kit with 4 channels of the C84 preamp. Then you could buy some channels of the A12's or N72's at about $325 a pop as you have the dough. Building them is not too hard, and quality is top notch (unless you screw something up).
