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The EuroPower features such high-quality components as toroidal transformers and ultra-reliable Toshiba®/Fairchild® high-power transistors. It comes equipped with independent channel limiters and selectable low-cut filters (30 or 50Hz), an efficient cooling system, XLR and 1/4" TRS inputs, plus Speakon and binding post outputs. Capable of parallel and bridged mono operation. 2x1,200W @ 2 ohms; 2,400W @ 4 ohms bridged.


Designed to perfectly complement EuroLive speakers
Toroidal transformers
Ultra-reliable Toshiba®/Fairchild® high-power transistors
Independent channel limiters
Selectable low-cut filters (30 or 50Hz)
XLR and 1/4" TRS inputs
Speakon and binding post speaker outputs
Capable of parallel and bridged mono operation

It's well within the budget of my band and i think we'll go for tw of them, so i wanted to get so input on it from experts before i made the next move. The guy at guitar center recommended the QSC RMX 2450 but i think this one is just has good i dunno. and this is to go with the speakers described in my other thread entitled Power Amp

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anonymous Sun, 04/10/2005 - 06:47

Hi, Red Fool!

I guess you have read my brief replies to your two questions.

Indeed, a lot of people do hate Behringer, and not only on this website.
I bet most of them actually do not know why they hate that company.
Just ask them for a REASONABLE answer, a REASON and you will see that they probably will repeat what they have heard somewhere before.

It is the circuitry that counts! I am going to repeat that once again, even more precisely: It is the curcuitry and the devices and the mechanics that counts! In general, any good device, in this case the active part, namely the transistor, can be damn good, but if you do not know how and which other parts to use and if you do not know how to design curcuits properly, you will f. the whole thing up in the end.

I know it is hard to get a proper spec sheet which enables you to see how certain devices are connected together. And, as far as I know, I have never seen one from Behringer. BUT, to make a long story short, Behringer does NOT produce and sell crap all the time. Why then should people keep buying their stuff and helping that company to grow? Okay, this was a bit too polemic. I am going to get scientific again!!

Several tests of my colleagues in the past showed that there was NO SIGNIFICANT difference in sound between good, i.e. well-designed, inexpensive gear and WAY TOO MUCH EXPENSIVE OVERPRICED gear. Some very expensive gear even had the WORST MEASURABLE performance rates... And MEASURABLE is the KEY, and not SUBJECTIVISM! PERIOD! At this point I would like to remind you of the never ending VALVE/TUBE debate. Fortunately, in every generation there is a group of people being not superstitious and having a strong urge to improve whatever their predecessors made. We (try to) improve cars, computers, planes, rockets, food, society, no matter what. But it seems to me that Audio of all things is still the last remaining section when it comes to STUPIDITY, SUPERSTITION and SUBJECTIVISM.
No-one is likely to take a "subjective" or "superstitious" approach to the design of an aeroplane wing or a rocket engine. Imagine what would happen if an engineer would attach some "warm", "crispy", "vintage-style" parts to that aeroplane wing or to aeroplane electronics...

I am a Rationalist. And I do not want to be anything else. No matter what the trend is, no matter what people say. No matter if I will be the peculiar geek. PERIOD!

If you think that this certain preamp sounds good then go for it. Do not believe the hype or wannabe experts.

Just one thing before I stop:

Some say that a certain product must be bad just because it was made in China or Burkina Faso or in Martha Stewart's kitchen.
I think I will scientifically examine whether there is a correlation in the change of a device's geographical position and the change of its physical performance and law. And I will invite you to dinner if they should nominate me for the Nobel price.

Guest Sun, 04/10/2005 - 07:05

Yes alot of people do hate Behringer. I used to own some of their stuff years and years ago when they first came out. But no more Behringer for me. IMO the QSC will keep it's resale value, I don't know about the Behringer. Maybe it will maybe it won't?
Reguardless, there usally are 3 different types of power amp's.
1---The real expensive (bad ass MF's)
2---The not so exp. (better than the cheap stuff)
3---And then the cheap stuff (Behringer)
Depends where you want your money?
In yur pocket :D
in yur gear :x
Reguardless I hope you get the one you love most!

Massive Mastering Sun, 04/10/2005 - 09:17

I'll add to that - The QSC is a fairly cheap amp. The Behringer is a REALLY cheap amp. Although they spec out similarly, think about a couple VERY important things -

The power supply in the QSC is reasonable - reasonable. The Behringer is underpowered. The QSC is around 35% heavier than the Behringer. My guess would be the power supply and heat management. Pretty important stuff.

It's not like the GC guy was trying to steer toward a Carver or a Crown Macro-Tech or something - He's just trying to get you into something reasonable - and *still* inexpensive.

Kev Sun, 04/10/2005 - 13:36

The raw power spec do look OK
I've never been a big fan of H Class amps in the demans of PA use.
Home Stereo and Home Theatre is probably cool.

PA gigs can tend to be LOUD right from the kick off and now quarter spared.

H Class if my memory serves correctly is a dual rail voltage. One about twice that of the other.

from a web site so it must be true wrote:
The H Class amplifier uses two different power supply voltages, one about half that of the other. For most of the time the output is kept within the "confines" of the lower voltage, but when the signal rises above this lower voltage, the second, higher, supply rail is "turned on" and provides the higher voltage and current required. The benefits are that the higher voltage and current draw are only required at very infrequent intervals and hence the power supply can be considerably reduced in size. The drawbacks are that this change between the two supply rails takes time and disturbs the output to some degree, raising the distortion levels and reducing output damping.

Popular with some PA people cos it reduces weight and as many PA operators know ... weight and space and transport is what a PA company can often end up worrying about more than sound quality.

again from a web site so it must be true wrote:
As a result H Class amplifiers are frequently found in touring PA systems where the reduced weight and size of the smaller power supply results in considerable savings in rack space and shipping costs, while the small reduction in signal quality goes largely unnoticed once the signal has passed through crossovers, limiters and a horn-loaded loudspeaker system. However many PA operators, who appreciate the benefits of H Class, also understand that the restricted size of the power supply also limits the amplifier's ability to deliver current to bass speakers and will therefore only specify them for MID and HF cabinets.

I dis-agree cos I think MIDs will highlight this even more. Screamming compressed guitars and wailing sustained vocals can make the demands of Mid range heavier than bass. True that Bass is often at the lower ohms as we use more cabinets but bass and kick bouces more so the constant RMS is less than Mids.

I did use a specific under powered BIG amp for Highs and some foldback duties. We had a favourite for this job and is was a cost effective amp for horns. I wont give the name but if you looked at the spec sheet it would be abvious why and it's cost made a lot of sense.

... horses for courses


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