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Here's anouther question for you guy's

Anybody ever track vocals or whatever using a splitter or perhaps even 2 mics side by side through 2 mic preamps to seperate tracks?

I thought this might be useful if you had 2 diff sounding preamps (ex. one dark, one bright) that during mixdown you could blend accordingly to taste, or even pan left/right etc.

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anonymous Sun, 11/20/2005 - 07:04

Yes, absolutely. I probably do this about 50% percent of the time,
particularly on a vocalist I've never recorded before. Stick up a dynamic, like an SM7, (not an SM57, an SM7) and a LDC. It gives you more options in the mix and you can always delete a bad track if you don't like one of the mic choices, whereas if you mix them both to one track you are stuck with it.


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