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I’m in kind of in a pinch and need some expert advice. I need to tune some bass notes (at least 8 songs worth). The performance of the tracks was great for the songs but the intonation on the guitar (old fender P) was slightly off in spots...
Anyway, what I’m attempting to do is use Autotune 3 (in the graphic editor mode) in spots to fix the out of tune notes. BUT, for some strange reason Autotune does not recognize all the notes at 24/96K, so, I can’t fix them. However if I down sample to 24/44.1K it works great.
My question to you mastering guys is this: If I down sample the bass files to 24/44.1K (internally) fix them in Autotune, then up sample to 24/96K, will this come back to bite me later? I’m using DP 2.7.2.
I guess I should ad that It does sound fine to my ears when doing it this way, but, I know that sometimes you can’t always trust your ears when working in the digital domain. Thanks in advance.
