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which one is better for recording music and mixing?. .Or are both systems equal in proformance? Or is it just a mater of opinion or a persons preference? Or is it bae on the knowledge of the person using it?


anonymous Sat, 02/26/2005 - 22:17

In terms of the operating systems, I would definitely say Apple is better.

However, the hardware is so varied for computer systems, it's unfair to compare such broad terms as PC vs MAC.

That being said, I use an Apple for all my music needs, but I also own a Windows based PC, and a few old Amigas (which are still my favorite, despite their age)

Ellegaard Sun, 02/27/2005 - 05:21

A simple search, "Mac vs. PC", should give you miles of flame wars. Unfortunately there's no simple answer to settle the discussion; Mac users will claim their operation system is the world's best and the PC is built to crash, while PC users will stress that a PC can be at least as powerful as a Mac and much much cheaper if the user knows what he does. You will find a ton of pros and cons to each system, but it's impossible to sum it all together and find a clear winner.

I think it comes down to personal preference. If you choose PC, you need to be prepared to get to know your system well and check out the hardware market and select everything carefully. The advantage is that you can get it at half the price of what a Mac costs, but obviously you don't get the cool design of a ladyshaver look-alike. If you're more the kind of guy who likes to rip the box open, connect everything and just get started immediately without having to tweak and adjust the computer for hours, then the Mac is a better option. Also, if you're already used to working with Windows XP, that makes it a whole lot easier. If you've never touched a PC, Mac would again be to prefer.

I personally prefer PC. I've used Windows all my life, so although I wouldn't at all claim I'm an expert in the operation system I'm familiar with the way it works, and should anything happen I know where to get help. I can't recognize any of the stories about Windows XP being a bad or unstable OS - my computer virtually never crashes in spite of the fact that I use it for both composing, recording, editing pictures, playing games and as a multimedia station. And I even picked it up in a regular supermarket!

anonymous Thu, 03/03/2005 - 06:01

Let's see both options:

1: Mac OSX
First put in your mind that hardware is almost the same in all computers out there, apart CPU architecture. Macs have high end IBM CPUs comparable to the top of the line AMD ones.
Sum OSX, prooven to be the most secure and stable OS.
Now put in your mind that you want to work, making music, and not tweacking your DAW until it works more or less flawlessy. The Mac OSX guarantees that. You install in few minutes your daw (Logic, Pro Tools and DP are the best coded DAWs for mac, Cubase and Nuendo are less good coded so quite unstable). Just set your preferences and start working, producing, composing, recording, mixing, forgetting about your personal computer, and concentrating to your work. You can in the same machine install video editing software and graphics software, and surf the web. (and you may run all that in the same time flawlessy. I do it!)

2. Windows
Unless you are a nerd, you will need 2 to 4 people helping you building your PC. Only this process could last some weeks. Some cards could be incompatible, even your 4 nerds could give you contrasting suggestions, so you would end with a tipical Windows situation: After 8 weeks work and lost nights, NO ONE TOUCH MY PC! No mail , no web, no graphics, no video, and if you need to do those things, you will have to buy 3 machines, one for audio, one for video and one for graphics and web. The total cost of hiring 4 nerds + 3 machines + time loss has already surpassed by X factor the cost of a Mac.
But this is only the beginning of a nighmare. Viruses, data losses, weird things and general instability will drive you to pray every time you have to power up your system.

It's up to you.
Best regards

anonymous Thu, 03/03/2005 - 21:10

I agree with Ellegaard is all about personal preference, and budget constraints.

It's also in who you know. When I bought my PC I was dating a girl whose father had bought much from a small local computer store. I went in started talking to the owner and started a personal relationship. When I figured out what I wanted, I told him what I wanted and he built me a custom computer which cost less then I would have spent anywhere else. With a computer tailored exactly for my needs.

The only problems I have had where ones I caused by myself and were able to fix by myself. He took about 10 dollars off most of the parts, he gave me a 100 dollar discount on my CD-RW. THe only upgrades I've had to have were when new products came out.

So what's the point? I knew PC's better than mac's and I found a way to get a good deal. I probably saved 300-400 dollars. So don't cancel one option out get what you can handle. It's not the best computer I could have but it works for my needs and hardly crashes. I can't complain.

anonymous Fri, 03/04/2005 - 09:55

My 25 cents........ Go With Mac
no .dlll, no dot anything . If you want to see whats in your hardrive you klik it (no menus,no explorer).
Check the virus definitions for Symantec (over 10 thousand for a PC and maybe 10 for a mac.) Why be a target?
Plugin any drive (or camera)and it shows up in front of you (no drivers) on the desktop. I move small files with my camera ram.
OS system upgrades work, still a pain, but they work.
Free video editor, free multitrack recorder(garageband) Digital outs, all working out of the box.
It does cost a bit more, but IMHO its worth it.

Big_D Fri, 03/04/2005 - 22:04

Most of the opinions on this topic are right on the money except one

Let's see both options:

1: Mac OSX
First put in your mind that hardware is almost the same in all computers out there, apart CPU architecture. Macs have high end IBM CPUs comparable to the top of the line AMD ones.
Sum OSX, prooven to be the most secure and stable OS.
Now put in your mind that you want to work, making music, and not tweacking your DAW until it works more or less flawlessy. The Mac OSX guarantees that. You install in few minutes your daw (Logic, Pro Tools and DP are the best coded DAWs for mac, Cubase and Nuendo are less good coded so quite unstable). Just set your preferences and start working, producing, composing, recording, mixing, forgetting about your personal computer, and concentrating to your work. You can in the same machine install video editing software and graphics software, and surf the web. (and you may run all that in the same time flawlessy. I do it!)

2. Windows
Unless you are a nerd, you will need 2 to 4 people helping you building your PC. Only this process could last some weeks. Some cards could be incompatible, even your 4 nerds could give you contrasting suggestions, so you would end with a tipical Windows situation: After 8 weeks work and lost nights, NO ONE TOUCH MY PC! No mail , no web, no graphics, no video, and if you need to do those things, you will have to buy 3 machines, one for audio, one for video and one for graphics and web. The total cost of hiring 4 nerds + 3 machines + time loss has already surpassed by X factor the cost of a Mac.
But this is only the beginning of a nighmare. Viruses, data losses, weird things and general instability will drive you to pray every time you have to power up your system.

This guy doesn't have a clue as to what he's talking about. The lies he attempts to present as fact are meant to frighten those who may be unfamiliar with PC's. He has been asked repeatedly to substantiate his claims with real world data and has yet to do so, because he can't. His only response is to continue to spew his incoherent jibberish. His recent statement on PC's (above) is nothing but a fairytale along with nearly everything else he's posted.

Someday, I'm asking you one last time to substantiate your claims. No more of your PC Manifesto Bulls**t. I'm talking links to real world data and articles. In other words put up or shutup, got it.

Now for the real question, PC or MAC? As most have stated it comes down to your preference and needs.

In my job I use both every day and like both platforms. I lean toward PC's for personal use as they are more powerful and versatile than the MAC's. The MAC's however are more intuitive and their software can be better integrated at times. PC's running Windows are more prone to virus infections but no platform is safe from hacking least of all the MAC.

Unless you have a specific software need I would say go with the platform you are familiar with. You'll save time and maybe even money and in the end maybe get more recording done because you won't be learning a new OS.

Good Luck

anonymous Sat, 03/05/2005 - 00:58

Someday wrote:

2. Windows
Unless you are a nerd, you will need 2 to 4 people helping you building your PC. Only this process could last some weeks. Some cards could be incompatible, even your 4 nerds could give you contrasting suggestions, so you would end with a tipical Windows situation: After 8 weeks work and lost nights, NO ONE TOUCH MY PC! No mail , no web, no graphics, no video, and if you need to do those things, you will have to buy 3 machines, one for audio, one for video and one for graphics and web. The total cost of hiring 4 nerds + 3 machines + time loss has already surpassed by X factor the cost of a Mac.
But this is only the beginning of a nighmare. Viruses, data losses, weird things and general instability will drive you to pray every time you have to power up your system.

Mate you're so full of it!

Randyman... Sat, 03/05/2005 - 01:53

Big_D, keepin' it real! :D

If I recall, it took me all of ~4 hours to build my DAW from parts - to a fully functional, audio hungry DAW. I just (2 days ago) replaced my hard drives with SATA drives, and re-installed everything, and that took me about ~2 hours (not from Images either!). Add a full scandisk w/surface scan to both drives, and that process actually took longer than re-installing my whole OS and programs!

Some of the issues Someday mentioned may have been true 5 years ago, but we are in 2005 last time I checked! Windows XP is proving its stability, and Intel is really proving their power - and proving it well IMO. Viruses - sure. You've got us there - but my Audio DAW is a portable PC that never even goes online... It lives in a SKB rack. And was a good $1000 cheaper than a Mac of lesser spec. :D Even my Home PC (with a dual-boot OS for Surfing and die-hard DAW performance) has NO ISSUES running Nuendo and high-track count/plug-in hungry projects with NORTON ANTIVIRUS and FIREWALL running while connected to the internet! If I boot into my "DAW Optimized" installation, the power is mind boggling at times. The only serious Viruses I have encountered were ones I downloaded from "questionable sources" :oops: , and I had to initiate the download. There are tons of viruses that really don't do much harm, and are easily dealt with - so its not like the Black Plague is lurking around every corner (as Someday will have you believe as you wake up SCREAMING from a horrible "PC virus nightmare" :roll: ).

I am looking into a Mac Mini for my Tacoma - to function as a complete Audio Jukebox/DSP processing system, a DVD+GPS Navigation system, DVD video playback w/surround, Wireless file transfers + "Hot-Spot" internet surfing, and basic Computer functionallity. It seems ideal for this task, as it will fit into a 1-DIN car-stereo opening, and has a front slot-load CD-R/DVD-R Superdrive, and an optional 80Gig HD. THere are also Mico-ATX PC based systems, but the Mac Mini's Form Factor is really appealing for mobile installs. Just add a readily avalible 7" motorized TOUCHSCREEN LCD, and stash a bluetooth keyboard under the seat, and a good soundcard :) .

If you are willing to look under the hood to save money and learn about current technology and computer hardware/software - I'd side with a PC. If you want to live life with no clue of how your computer does what it does - and you just want it to "do it", then a MAC is more your style.

I do admit - Mac's certainly have a leg up on "Style". I believe my beloved Shuttle XPC is an offshoot of the original iMac concept. I have no beef with MAC, I'm just a DIY'er - and I like to tinker. But the un-substantiated claims of PC inferiority are just plain bogus...


inLoco Sat, 03/05/2005 - 06:58

sometimes the problem isn't just budget! is software restrictions! i have a big dilema! because i'm also an architect and have always used autocad i need to work well with it! mac doesn't have autocad! has archicad which is completly different and vectorworks that has been getting great reviews...
i really think that if apple pushed autodesk for a mac version they would sell much more! can you guys name a program that only works on pc with such an impact as autocad?

anonymous Wed, 03/09/2005 - 02:50

My suggestion would be to check out what application suits and appeals you best. Then choose the platform working best for it.

Both mac and Pc work great, if you listen to those using it.
The hilarious horror scenes sometimes told about either PC or Mac mostly comes down to users not knowing either what they talk about, or they can't handle a computer.
Jeez... 8 weeks and four hired nerds to build and install a PC?
Says a lot about the author, nothing about PC.

facts are that PC is cheaper than Mac
facts are that you probably will find people to ask support from easier regarding PC than Mac.
But in the end you should check out what program you're gonna use, then choose platform.


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