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Okay. I promised I'd update on this thing...So far we've only used it to record ACCORDIANS...ADK A51..modified.
This pre rocks nicely.The variable impedance gives you a different mic with the flick of a switch.This thing is HEAVY.Theres real iron in there.The controls are all nicely detented so getting identical settings is a snap. The ability to run the EQ in front or behind the compressor gives you a much wider range of tones with just a simple push of a button.The metering is nice and its got great looking pretty blue lights.(Verrrry impootant)

The EQ is very active and requires only a small movement to change things.The compressor features a soft knee function which went well for us on the ACCORDIANS.

I'm looking forward to hearing more stuff through this soon.And as I'll be making a trek to the Kurt place soon, I'll be taking it with me so we can download some tracks and he can check it out and compare it to some real good stuff.

More later. .oh yeah. The chipsets in this thing are socketted not soldered.Upgrades are available.
