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I am new to this and was looking for some help? I have a RCA digital recorder and I am trying to down load it to my computer. I am able to record it through the sound recorder that comes with the computer. However, when I try to play it, all I get is scratch. Can anyone help me?


Opus2000 Thu, 09/15/2005 - 19:07

Can you give us more information as to what sound card you are using and if it's a digital recorder you are playing from into the computer are you sending it to a digital input on your computer and are you clocking the sound card to the digital input?

What sounds like is happening is that you aren't clocking to the SPDIF(RCA Connector) and it's recording clocking problems along with the audio.

Opus :D

anonymous Fri, 09/16/2005 - 10:59

Opus2000 wrote: [quote=David French]
Sounds to me like he's trying to 'download' a physical object :shock:

Hmmm...maybe he's got the beta version of a teleporter of some sort :roll:

Opus :DThanks for the reply, and the jokes! I said I was new to this! I believe my sound card is "Creative AudioPCI (ES1371,ES1373)(WDM) Is that my sound card? What I am doing is pluging into my ear plug on the recorder and into my mic on my computer I believe (the blue plug). I can get it through my computer speakers through the sound recorder, but I have to keep adding time to the sound recorder while its recording, to record all of the recording. Would appreciate anything you can do to help me. It is very important that I am able to save this info. May have to get a new sound card! I don't know.

anonymous Fri, 09/16/2005 - 11:18

Opus2000 wrote: [quote=David French]
Sounds to me like he's trying to 'download' a physical object :shock:

Hmmm...maybe he's got the beta version of a teleporter of some sort :roll:

Opus :DThanks for the reply, and the jokes! I said I was new to this! I believe my sound card is "Creative AudioPCI (ES1371,ES1373)(WDM) Is that my sound card? What I am doing is pluging into my ear plug on the recorder and into my mic on my computer I believe (the blue plug). I can get it through my computer speakers through the sound recorder, but I have to keep adding time to the sound recorder while its recording, to record all of the recording. Would appreciate anything you can do to help me. It is very important that I am able to save this info. May have to get a new sound card! I don't know.

David French Fri, 09/16/2005 - 11:30

Check out [[url=http://[/URL]="http://audacity.sou…"]Audacity[/]="http://audacity.sou…"]Audacity[/]. It is a free audio recording program and it is many, many times better than Sound Recorder. Do you have a 'line out' on the player? If so, connect that to the 'line in' on your soundcard. If not, use the headphone output jack on the player. Connect that to the 'line in' in your soundcard and turn up the headphone volume until you get a good signal level in Audacity.

anonymous Thu, 09/22/2005 - 08:14

David French wrote: Check out [[url=http://[/URL]="http://audacity.sou…"]Audacity[/]="http://audacity.sou…"]Audacity[/]. It is a free audio recording program and it is many, many times better than Sound Recorder. Do you have a 'line out' on the player? If so, connect that to the 'line in' on your soundcard. If not, use the headphone output jack on the player. Connect that to the 'line in' in your soundcard and turn up the headphone volume until you get a good signal level in Audacity.

Thanks Audacity worked great. However I don't know much about the program. What I recorded is a little rough. Is there some way to clean it up on Audacity? If not I still appreciate your assistance very much Thanks again!
