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I posted a thread a week or so ago about monitors and the responses have helped me make the decision to go buy a quality pair later today.

My question is this: how does recording and monitoring at the same time work? when I'm singing over tracks (harmonies etc) won't the mic pick up feedback from the speakers? (that's why I've been using headphones)

thx in advance


Kurt Foster Wed, 05/26/2004 - 15:45

You have it correct. That's why we use headphones.

Another way to monitor while tracking involves creating a mono mix to listen to and fliping the phase of one monitor. Then place the mic and speakers to form an equalateral triangle between them. This way the sound from each of the monitors will arrive out of phase at the same time at the mic and cancell itself out. This was a method pioneered by "Cowboy" Jack Clemment .......

anonymous Fri, 05/28/2004 - 07:41

Tenson wrote: Solder the cable in reverse from the other speakers. The wire that goes to pin 2 on the other speaker, solder to pin 3 and the wire that goes to pin 3 on the other speaker , solder to pin 2.

I think that will work... :?

It works. I have experimented such a situation : I have been mistaken when I was soldering my cables and I inverted pin 2 and pin 3 :oops: . I could not hear a thing.

Kurt Foster Fri, 05/28/2004 - 18:18

Tenson wrote: Solder the cable in reverse from the other speakers. The wire that goes to pin 2 on the other speaker, solder to pin 3 and the wire that goes to pin 3 on the other speaker , solder to pin 2.

I think that will work... :?

You nailed it! That's correct!

I would like to add ... these last two posts were in reference to the use of XLR connectors with powered monitors...

With passive monitors, simply connect the + wire to the - connector and the - wire to the + connector.

This does the same thing as soldering the wire that goes to pin 2 to pin 3 and the wire that goes to pin 3 to pin 2.

Rock ON!

Kurt Foster