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Hello All,
I'm nearing completion of a three to four song demo for submission to an independent label. Naturally, I want my band's music to be taken seriously so I'm prepared to have it mastered by an experienced professional.
Its a toss up between the various quality studios. Does anyone have any that you would recommend. Also, what should I expect to spend budget wise to get a 3 song demo mastered. Mind you, it won't need any major surgery or work. Just matching levels and touch of eq here and there and fades...
Thank you for your replies in advance,


joe lambert Thu, 07/29/2004 - 14:17

Good question.
How much time does it take. My answer is as long as it takes to get it right. Sometimes it takes me 10 minutes for a song sometimes it takes me 45 before I feel its just right.
With indie ep's like yours I offer a flat rate depending on how long the material is instead of how much time I spend. Within reason of course. I would guestimate spending around 3 to 4 hours from start to finish. Your mileage my very.. every project is it's own thing.

As far as levels go: Peaks around -3 are a good average. Use your ears. If it sounds great leave it alone. DON'T WORRY ABOUT MAKING IT LOUDER!!!!
Don't limit or normalize. I suggest doing a vocal up and voc down mix. If you're working with a computer it takes 5 minutes to do. Once eq/comp... is on the track it might sound better with one or the other.
Manny of my clients send me all 3 and let me do what I feel is best. If you're not comfortable leaving it up to me and can't attend then of course it's your music, do what you feel is best.


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