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Hi guys,
I'm newbie to this forum. Got my Tascam 1082 for a two weeks. Right now I'm just warming up for some „real work“ and of course there are problems from time to time.
In my projects I using Cubase SX3 and Nuendo3, lots of VST instruments, plugins etc. I am usualy working with my friend – when we got the structure (less or more) of the project that we are working on, we continue to work separately by adding some different instruments, plugins, record guitars, backing vocals etc.
As far as I know with 1082 that is going to be a big problem.

We used to record voices and guitars throught almost identical interface cards ( mine is M-Audio FW 1814, his - M-Audio FW 410)
So I could easily reopen project on my p.c. and add some audio files (guitars, vocals).

I try to do the same with my Tascam, but I can not add some new audio files in our later projects.
I can not get signal from my guitar to record an audio track. In Mon mix mode (both and input) I can hear the signal (not in the computer mode), and I can see flashes on Tascam, so the signal is passing from 1082 to the p.c. I also think that I selected correct input channel i.e. channel 8 for guitar – output analog 1 / 2 for out, and I turn on the monitor and record enble button in the Nuendo track Inspector
In one project I get the signal to record, but latency was for a 2 or 3 sec. Terrible !

Sometimes I have to turn off everthnig to get any signal on some new projects.

Please help. Thanks.

(Sorry for my English)


anonymous Fri, 06/02/2006 - 03:58

Yes, Tascam is my default record input. I checked in Cubases Device setup and everything seems to be ok.
In my first post I didn't say that usualy, when I start to work on new project, Tacam works fine and I don't have any problems.

But when I reopen some earlier projects which are recorded with different inerface (M-audio FW1814 or FW410) everthing is ok ( faders react in proper way - recongnizing my last mix) until I want to record new audio track... there is no signal to record ... if I have luck it sometimes comes out but latency is terrible. If I start to check this... check that ... trying to figure why is that happening at last Cubase SX3 chrash ... :evil:


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