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anonymous Sat, 10/02/2004 - 20:19

Third that one......

might wanna study some more before taking on a producer roll......especially in a commercial could backfire quite drastically.....

Don't wanna ruin your friendship do you?

Songs are mixed in stereo these day's........placement of instruments in the stereo field is dependent on the engineer and the style of music......
I'll check my mixes in mono just for compatability..but that's it...

Then could mix the whole thing mono if you want.........whatever achieves the sound your after.....

Also...don't confuse placement in the stereo field with a mono mix......if somethings mixed in mono then all instruments will appear from the center of the stereo field......(the stereo field is the space between the left and right speaker)...

anonymous Mon, 10/04/2004 - 12:16

I guess I should have been more clear. Granted I'm new to producing but I'm not green. Sorry to have "insult[ed] to someone who really produces". If this insults you get thicker skin :O)

The problem the engineer and I are tying to overcome is this. He believes everything should be panned hard right and/or left and/or center. There should never be anything sitting at say 10 and 2. I on the other hand have habitually placed things all throughout the stereo field. If acoutic guitar is the only instrument I may place it in the 11 o'clock position to make a little space for the vocal. In the mix we are dealing with the sound is very balanced at center but as you move off axis the sound gets thin. Of course this is natural when dealing with a mix who's instruments are panned hard. He has suggested that all "BIG" recordings are "ALL" double tracked and panned hard to aleviate this problem. Of course I have double tracked parts in the past and was very please with the results. But "ALL"? This seems a little fishy to me.

Now the disclaimer. In my engineering I have really only recorded demo's for local bands so any best recording practices I have have been stumbled upon.

djui5 suggest that "might wanna study some more before taking on a producer roll". THat is what I'm doing here. Thanks djui5 for your constructive ideas. I will take note. If you have any more suggestions please post.

Thank you,

pmolsonmus Mon, 10/04/2004 - 13:11

The problem the engineer and I are tying to overcome is this. He believes everything should be panned hard right and/or left and/or center.

This would be another serious problem.

BTW - after a discussion in the Vocal Booth, I discovered I'm a television director - I change channels on my TV set. So much for titles.

Sloppy, if you're indeed studying here - learn to use the search buttons and do some research before asking questions. If you spent time here before posting you would probably realize how much info can be gleaned from these pages. There is a wealth of info on this site, but questions will definitely be called on their validity. By your own admission you're self-taught by stumbling on recording technique. Trial and error is great w/ your time, don't assume it is fine for everyone else's time as well.


anonymous Mon, 10/04/2004 - 13:25

Sloppy, what we are trying to say is that these are very basic, simple questions that anyone who knows anything about recording at all should already know. Before you do anything else, you should buy a couple of books and learn the basics. Otherwise, you are going to make a lot of people angry when they come to record at your studio and get poor quality work.

anonymous Tue, 10/05/2004 - 13:03

Sloppypicker wrote: I guess I should have been more clear. Granted I'm new to producing but I'm not green. Sorry to have "insult[ed] to someone who really produces". If this insults you get thicker skin :O)

The problem the engineer and I are tying to overcome is this. He believes everything should be panned hard right and/or left and/or center. There should never be anything sitting at say 10 and 2.

This seems a little fishy to me.

I'd recommend hiring a professional like myself to do your engineering work.....this guy's stuck in a rut and has what I like to call "tunnel vision"...

Ask him what's the best way to mic an acoustic his answer and I'll explain...

djui5 suggest that "might wanna study some more before taking on a producer roll". THat is what I'm doing here. Thanks djui5 for your constructive ideas. I will take note. If you have any more suggestions please post.

Thank you,

I hope you didn't think I was insulting your intelligence......that wasen't my intentions at all.....just offering some advice..

Pick up a book called "behind the glass" will give you more of a insight into the professional world of production.....

If you need anything please feel free to send me an e-mail
djui5 @ yahoo dot com