I am currently digitizing my vinyl collection, and am running into a problem. After the record is done recording (skip free) I play back the file and there are "skips" in the track.
I have tried adjusting latency, unhooking from the web, and just about every other tip, all to no avail.
I am using the M-Audio Quattro, and have tried this with a plethora of recording software (Sonar 3.0, Adobe Audition, etc...) and I'm having the same problem with all.
The skips are always in the same spot, so I know its a recording issue, and not a playback issue.
Grrr...please help!
RE: more info ??Vinyl recording issue?? please help Yessir- Th
RE: more info ??Vinyl recording issue?? please help
The computer was built:
Pentium 4 2.4 GHZ
80 gig
512 RAM
I am running quarter-inch connectors directly from my Ecler mixer into the M-Audio Quattro. The Quattro connects via USB to the back ports of the computer.
I have tried adjusting the buffer size and thread priority of the Quattro as well.
Please let me know if you need more info.
Thanks v m!
Could we know more about your setup, computer, processor, memory
Could we know more about your setup, computer, processor, memory, recording chain. It would help a lot to answer your question. Thanks.