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I just put my Anus2000 toghether. All I have in there now, is the AGP card, One Harddrive, and one CD rom drive. I di everything I thought I was supposed to, checked my jumpers, system settings yadda, yadda, yadda. When I turn it on,k I get the system ok beep, but then says NTLDR is missing and prompts me to restart, anyone know what NTLDR is, or might be?


Opus2000 Mon, 04/15/2002 - 16:41

Your OS install is need to run the XP/2K auto recover feature! Install...when it says hit F2...hit F2! Or...keep it going and see if you can repair the install!
Other than that I would just reccomend a fresh install bro!
Opus :roll: ...not all of our ANUS' are broken! ........... (I have no further comment........)