15 April 2002
I just put my Anus2000 toghether. All I have in there now, is the AGP card, One Harddrive, and one CD rom drive. I di everything I thought I was supposed to, checked my jumpers, system settings yadda, yadda, yadda. When I turn it on,k I get the system ok beep, but then says NTLDR is missing and prompts me to restart, anyone know what NTLDR is, or might be?
LOL, I won't answer that unless you change the title :D Ki
LOL, I won't answer that unless you change the title :D
The registry boot steps require NTLDR,, and boot.ini be present in the root directory of the active partition, the system partition.
Did you change from NTFS to FAT32 or switch operating systems?
Your OS install is need to run the XP/2K auto reco
Your OS install is need to run the XP/2K auto recover feature! Install...when it says hit F2...hit F2! Or...keep it going and see if you can repair the install!
Other than that I would just reccomend a fresh install bro!
Opus :roll: ...not all of our ANUS' are broken! ........... (I have no further comment........)