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Hey all. I bought this thing in an antique shop for a hundred bucks a few months ago and haven't used it except to make sure it works. Anyone know when this thing came out? It's eight-channel and looks pretty old. I'm just looking for any info anybody might have on this thing. It sits in my living room and wispers to me, "use me. use me." I will soon enough.
Beau Landry



anonymous Fri, 04/04/2003 - 05:16

I currently have a PM-700 that is a 12 channel mixer. Overall I like the sound it is just a bit limited in features for what I want to do. I got it for $30.00 from a music store that was going out of business. It had a handful of problems. Most of which I have fixed. I still have one bad channel that I have not had the time to dig into.

In a couple weeks I am getting a PM-2000 as my new mixing console. It offers more options that I need and it sounds good. The PM series was setup for mainly live sound. They have a low noise floor and a good sonic character for recording applications.

I say use it and see what you think.


anonymous Mon, 04/07/2003 - 19:04

Just finished a demo of a tune and the mixer sounds promising. No noise problems and the preamps have a neat and older sounding color to them. EQ is only 2-band with two different low-cut switches. The thing is definately not hi-fi, but I enjoy limitations. I may try it out recording my band pretty soon and I'll keep you posted for fun.