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I need to buy some good quality casette tapes and i heard i can buy some from bulk warehouses or something like that...give me some good ideas please.



audiokid Sun, 04/09/2017 - 17:17


You can buy a few types of tape and should use the type ideal for your cassette recorder.

example : Chrome, Metal
What kind of cassette recorder do you have?

The Rezerection Tue, 04/11/2017 - 16:10

audiokid, post: 449464, member: 1 wrote: My research pulled up up this gem and recommended Chrome Type II.
[[url=http://[/URL]="…"]… cassette tape[/]="…"]… cassette tape[/]

yeah that's her hahah damn some of those tapes are heella spendy like your link said haha but thanks man, do you think that possibly non metal tapes in basf or maxell would work as well? Because it seems like those metal tapes are for some real good sound and of right now i need tapes for practice recording.

audiokid Tue, 04/11/2017 - 16:31

Chrome aren't Metal. Metal are more expensive and are not likely what you would use in that deck.
You can use any tape but Metal.
Metal tape is also hard on the tape heads.
Just look for ones that are normal or chrome. Try a few first. Your deck might not even record well. The heads, belt, transport roller etc could be pretty dried out, out of alignment.

That was made in 1974. That's a long time for rubber and tape. Have you had it running? Playback? Done any recording?

dvdhawk Tue, 04/11/2017 - 17:58

I had to find some for a friend last year, and found eBay and Amazon as good a source as any. You can still find New Old Stock. Normal bias are relatively easy to find. High bias, chrome, metal, are a little harder to find, but not impossible.

There used to be a great source for all types of tape, in Butler PA, just north of Pittsburgh. They used to make a great tape in house - well, custom loaded their own shells with your custom length specs, (I doubt they manufacturer the tape itself). I looked at their website and when I clicked on their cassette tape link it took me straight to a bunch of other Amazon vendors.

The Rezerection Wed, 04/12/2017 - 01:49

Yea theres a bunch of tapes for sale on ebay i was mostly curious with what good brands were out there, and then audiokid comes inwith these good quality chrome tapes and im like damn didn't even know that was a thing haha.
I got some maxell and some tdk the d60s they should work with the recorder i have....i know theres different thickness in tapes too does that really matter what thickness i use?

dvdhawk Wed, 04/12/2017 - 09:27

The D60 is a perfectly good normal bias tape. If I wanted something a cut above, I always got good results with the Maxell XLII, or TDK SA or SA-X for high-bias.

Do you have a head demagnetizer? TDK and Maxell were two of the best consumer-grade tape manufacturers back in the day, but there's no telling how well the magnetic particles adhere to 20 years old tape. You may not get as many passes over the heads before they start to lose the magnetic coating as you would have 20 years ago.

dvdhawk Fri, 04/14/2017 - 00:51

Analog tape works by rearranging tiny magnetic particles formulated into the surface of the tape. The better the tape, the better the magnetic particles adhered to the tape. However, no mattter how good it is, as the tape rubs over the heads, capstan, pinch-rollers, etc. the coating will rub off, leaving traces of the magnetic particles on all of them. You will lose some with every single pass. The performance of the heads will deteriorate pretty badly if they're not cleaned and demagnetized regularly, plus if the rouge particles aren't removed from the head, they will attract even more particles off every subsequent tape that passes through - and the problem snowballs from there.

If used correctly, the demagnetizer creates a field that attracts the rouge particles off the heads and the rest of the tape path. If used incorrectly it has the potential to ruin the heads by permanently magnetizing them. (Exciting, isn't it?)

Time is the enemy of magnetic tape, and since your only option is buying New Old Stock cassettes, (warehoused in who knows what kind of conditions) you'll want to be careful with 20+ year old tape since the magnetic coating MAY be less stable. It's not only bad for the tape heads, it causes drop-outs in the sound, which might be frustrating if you've invested a lot of time into a recording. Since the tapes have been sitting around in storage for quite a while, fast-forwarding clear to the end - and then rewinding all the way back to the start, before you start using them, is a good way to make sure they aren't bound up.

So if this is going to be an ongoing interest, you'll need to learn how to maintain the machine, maybe even more than we would have back then, just because of the age of the tapes available to you. You'll just need a few essential things (like a head demagnetizer), the right kind of alcohol (denatured), a rubber cleaner, and some swabs. 20-30 years ago using new, good quality tapes, we would do that as part of the tape deck's routine maintenance to make sure we got the best sound possible. You might want to be a little extra dilligent until you see how the NOS tape hold up.