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Ok..I may be getting paranoid..but I have a feeling that something has "leeched" into my computer from another site. I am receiving and sending out 3 times more bytes that what the properties of a web page consist of and the browser is s l o w . . . . . . . .

Usually my browser is fast.

I want to comb my hard drive for bugs, leeches, BS dialers..and the like.

I need a cleanup utility. I also need to know what to look for and delete anything that is suspicious..without ruining the op. system by deleting the wrong folder.

Please assist!


Tommy P. Sat, 06/08/2002 - 14:34

And after you've got windows sqeaky clean, check for spyware with [=""]Ad-Aware[/]="http://www.lavasoft…"]Ad-Aware[/] . Its free too! :D

And if Norton Anti-virus and Mcafee and the like have your system boggred down and dog slow, heres the greatest freeware anti-virus proggie [[url=http://="http://www.grisoft…"]AVG[/]="http://www.grisoft…"]AVG[/] . No renewals, free all the way! :D


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