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Since the middle of August I have been working on the vinyl cutting for a 2 record set of the album "Smile" by Brian Wilson. This is a project that was originally attempted in 1966-67 by the Beach Boys, but was never released. It has since attained mythical status among followers of the band. Brian has decided to revisit the project after these many years. The results are quite unique.

I would like to encourarge our community to find the limited edition vinyl (when it is released in a few weeks) and the best turntable setup you can get and do some comparitive listening to the vinyl vs the CD just released this week. I have done some listening and have heard a striking difference and would like your opinions. As a bonus, the album Side D is a colllection of 4 instrumental versions not on the CD.

The vinyl is scheduled for release in England, Europe & the USA. Also, Brian is currently touring with the band that made the recording, along with a string section & horns. This promises to be quite a show.

This gives us all a chance to do a direct comparison between a digital and analog media for a current project with a variety of natural sounds, great dynamic range, and up to the minute production techniques.


anonymous Thu, 09/30/2004 - 11:03

hello thanks for posting --boy this is hard to believe that your doing it on vinyl.I don't think thats gunna go over to good.
Boy i was listening to the Friends/20 20 Cd by the boys.I dont like any of Friends and i like all of 20 20.I wonder if i should pick up smile.I dont remember if i've ever heard it.

Ammitsboel Thu, 09/30/2004 - 12:34

That sounds very interesting Don!!
I'm in for a listen... although it has been prooven many times that even a digital production sounds better on vinyl.

Do you mean that there is severe production/processing differences involved in this one? it a pink LP you are holding in your hands on your avatar?

Best Regards,

anonymous Thu, 09/30/2004 - 13:46

Last year a friend from UK sent me the vinyl LP of ONE by the
Beatles. Compared to the CD it is sooo warm, so present.
(I have just an average turntable.)

I hope its not just having the vinyl that's skewing my hearing on
this. btw. the LPs are really thick, much heavier than I remember
LPs being. Why is that so? and will Brian Wilson's be cut like that?

I for one, am eager to snap up anything Mr. Wilson is part of. I really enjoyed his collaboration with Van Dyke Parks. On his newest CD: while I think the songs are pretty nice (warm fuzzy, 60s kinda jams with a few stars sprinkled around) it sure was mastered cold/clinical to my ears. Not at all like the CD of Orange Crate Art. There is something special about how that one was mastered. Something in the midrange... anyone know?

anonymous Thu, 09/30/2004 - 18:29

Don great that your talking to us beach boy freeks--isn't HEros and Villins on that smile ?i know i've heard that someplace before.This is great but is it gunna scratch like all the other albums?And is this Brians idea?
Also why do most CD recordings seam so harsh whats up with the record companies dont they listen to that stuff they make.?

anonymous Fri, 10/01/2004 - 06:06

Don Grossinger wrote: This IS a modern digital pro tools recording; but I cut from 1/4" CCIR, NNR, 15IPS analog tape.

I HAVE to know who the brave (but brilliant) engineer who mixed to 1/4 inch, NNR, 15ips, CCIR is. Let's buy this (wo)man a drink!!!

Also, I have a decent table/pre setup in my room. I'd be willing to do a listening session for anyone who wants to come over to SONY (with management's OK).


Don Grossinger Fri, 10/01/2004 - 07:32

Mike: Yes, Heros & Villains is on Side 1, but again, it's different from the version you know already: new arraingement, some new sections & lyrics.

Mark: Let's put this together! I have a set of test pressings that we can use for comparison.

Let's give credit to Mark Linnet, the engineer for the album & Bob Ludwig, the mastering engineer, who gave me such good stuff to work from. The analog tapes were the quietest I've ever heard. As for the sound of the voices & instruments: there are many good old-fashioned analog instruments played, fewer synths, and so many vocal sections, that it is real easy to enjoy the un-hard, un-digital aspects of the mix especially on the vinyl. Bob did EQ for Sides A/B/C. I did EQ for the instrumental bonus tracks on Side D.

Ammitsboel Fri, 10/01/2004 - 09:00

markwilder wrote: [quote=Don Grossinger]This IS a modern digital pro tools recording; but I cut from 1/4" CCIR, NNR, 15IPS analog tape.

I HAVE to know who the brave (but brilliant) engineer who mixed to 1/4 inch, NNR, 15ips, CCIR is. Let's buy this (wo)man a drink!!!

Also, I have a decent table/pre setup in my room. I'd be willing to do a listening session for anyone who wants to come over to SONY (with management's OK).


I would love to be at your listening session... but I can't affort the plain ticket right now. But maybe I will come by after a few month or so...


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