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in acid pro 4.0? let me know.. or is there some other way to do so on the comp?


David French Sat, 12/18/2004 - 18:41

Here's how to do it.

1) Take the stereo file and split the two channels into two mono files, one for the left and one for the right.

2) duplicate both of these channels. Now you have two lefts and two rights.

3) Invert the polatiry of one of the lefts and mix it together with one of the rights.

4) Invert the remaining right and mix it together with the remaining left.

5) Invert one arbitrary side of the product of the above combinations.

This will cancel out all center panned material.

anonymous Wed, 12/22/2004 - 11:00


The thing you need to understand is, once a song is mixed, you cant take certain parts out of it totally. Yes you can lower sections on EQ to make certain things alot lower than others but it is impossible to remove vocals or the instrumental from a song and keep just one of them.

Maybe the government has the technology that we dont know of but other than that, nope!

And I dont know what the hell the other guys were telling you but I dont think they really knew what your question was.

Reggie Wed, 12/22/2004 - 13:08

Mister French's idea will get you about as close as you can get, but I think you would want to do the opposite and cancel the stereo signals to get accapella, which is vocals only. There are cheap karaoke devices and some FX plugins that will allow you to mess with the stereo vs mono balance, but Skettalee is correct in the fact that it is unlikely you will totally remove all the music. Digital Fish Phones has the free plug endorphin that allows you, among other things, to either cancel the stereo signal or cancel the mono signal, and everything inbetween. For your case, move the M/S knob to M and then cut the bass. Still probably have a snare at least in the mix, though. Endorphin does require level 4 security clearance from the pentagon, though.

Or..........borrow the original multitrack master from the record label and solo the vocals. :wink:

David French Wed, 12/22/2004 - 21:16

Why in the hell did I read that as "How do you cancel vocals"?!? :?

Yes, making an acapella is just about impossible. Dping what I said previously will get RID of the vocals and anything else in the center. Doing the opposite will get rid of anything that is not in both channels and leave things such as vocals, kick, snare, and bass. This all works on phase cancellation, the idea that a wave combined with it's opposite will produce silence.