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I'm looking for a microphone that has a somewhat 'telephonic' sound. Lo-fi, even naturally overdriven sounding. It would be used for an 'effected' vocal sound... peppered into the songs as opposed to being the staple vocal tone.

I've tried pre's and EQ's... and they are not bad, but i've really wanted to go a little more minimal with this project, and find a microphone that has this certain tone to start with.

Frankly i'm a little lost now. Megaphones are too honky, harmonica mics (at least the one i've tried) is still a bit too clear and normal.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I've heard of the 'coppertone' mic that has similar traits, anyone have any experience with them?



Boswell Thu, 04/12/2007 - 09:18

1) Using a brickwall bandpass EQ at 300Hz to 3KHz and overdriving the input a little.
2) Using cheap headphones as a microphone.
3) Getting a toy megaphone and use it in front of a standard dynamic mic.
4) Buying a listening-talking teddy bear and tap into the guts.
5) As a last resort, and only after all else has failed, use the forum search engine. The topic has been covered several times.

Link555 Thu, 04/12/2007 - 18:39

If you have console the talkback mic works well.

Also I just did a song for nee dance called inlimbo:

The main vocal were put through through the Grungelizer in neuendo.


Not sure if thats the sound your looking for, but it worked well for Nee Dance.

Sounds a bit portishead ish to me.