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Hi, i'm looking for a few expert recording engineer sugguestions on how to possibly improve a guitar sound a bit. Firstly, i'll give a little background on my setup. I'm running three mics: One cardioid to isolate the sound, one condenser for a little bit of crispness and a tube in the room. I am happy with the initial sound i'm getting running two of these mics (one compressed) from a processor into two separate analog mixer channels and one mic directly(condenser) to a mixer channel. I then send all three of these mics out together bused (one line) as a stereo pair (L&R), compress again, then to an external converter and go optical into a single track into my multi-track software. My question is would I be better off running more than one stereo pair to my converters (separate for each mic) into my software, recording more than one track simultaniously? I'm wondering if i'll achieve a slight bit better edge on my sound somehow that way.. or perhaps I should also compress the other two mics and stick to running them all together as one line into a single track. Thx for any helpful sugguestions, opinions or info from any knowlegable engineers. ~Jp, "The Box", Minnesota, US


anonymous Tue, 10/11/2005 - 01:46

Hi all.
I've been lurking here for the past couple of weeks and thoroughly enjoying this thread, laughing so hard sometimes my stomach hurt. :lol:

But, finally I just had to have a say.
JP, for all your audio ignorance and arrogance of not wishing to take the advise that you asked for because you already know stuff that disproves scientists through the ages, you've been an infuriatingly enjoyable comical read.

But this newly revealed aspect to your character - racist and homophobic - just makes me wanna pull your tiny pea-brain through your asshole and wrap it around the remains of your infantile head.
I now know you're nothing more than a troll and will probably stop watching this thread, although I hope it doesn't actually get nuked just for the fact that it's a good indication of how not to behave.

I've actually been thinking for several pages that if you spoke to people in RL the way you do on here, I'm surprised that a) you haven't managed to get yourself killed and b) at the very least you're still walking. Or should that be wanking? :lol:
Now you've shown your true colours to the world (and I do mean world), how can you expect to be taken seriously?

You're a jerk of the highest calibre and are so wrapped up in your own ego that you just can't grasp the concept that the entire world is laughing at you - now a large percentage are seeing you as a totally sad piece of shit.

GuyJohnson Tue, 10/11/2005 - 02:15

He only wants the thread nuked so he doesn't have to keep up the effort of being wrong!

As to the argument about analog EQ's noise-floor, it looks to me that both are right, and looking at different things: One being the noise in a signal being processed, and the other, the noise-floor of of the equipment being used.


anonymous Tue, 10/11/2005 - 02:36

...Alot can happen when you go home, then come back...

Just to calm the storm, he means Brains Faggots...

in reply to your reply (keeping the record straight)

Jp22 wrote: [quote=duncanparsons]

Compressors aren't generally memory hogs, tbh.

I completely disagree. Both Steinberg's multi-band ME Compressor as well as the Nuendo version are total CPU and memory pigs. Try one on a 1ghz computer with 8 tracks in Nuendo. Oink-oink! The programmer who made those obviously didn't care about cpu or memory management in the least. Its quite apparent.

You use tools to actually go in and see how much memory each dll is using? I do, but then I'm a developer, and such things are very useful to me. Your host may tell you the CPU usage per plug, but actual memory management is another matter. I could write a 5 line program for you which will take up less than 1k (code and data), but throw your CPU into orbit. A delay can hardly show on your CPU meter, but try to allocate memory chunks the size of China . To reiterate, CPU usage and Memory usage are separate entities, which often do cross paths, but are still separate. The compressors of which you speak may have a memory leak (which is common), and if this is the case you may experience problems..

If you want a simple compressor, I cannot recommend [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.betabugs…"]'Simple Squeeze' by BetaBugs[/]="http://www.betabugs…"]'Simple Squeeze' by BetaBugs[/] enough (it's at the bottom of the page, again I'm assuming PC and VST). It has one knob, and does the job extremely well - a classic.

I'm curious, how many people in their right mind do you really think would download plugins with the prefix "beta" and the suffix "bugs" in it? Especially when at the bottom of that page link you posted it says "may harm your PC"! I would NEVER download a plugin like that!!! :!: Eye candy maybe, but ear candy.... hardly likely - since considering it's competition its not very hard to weigh the two. Think about that one.

OK, thought about it. So have several thousand others, and they all seem pleased. I'm one of the BetaBugs developers, and whilst we use cartoon graphics, we take the DSP very seriously. BetaBugs is a joke name - these are a lighthearted aside to enliven ones dull studio day :) wrt to 'may damage your PC', well it's called a disclaimer, and pretty much every EULA has one (you do read them don't you - I guess you've agreed to M$ altering your OS without any further notice by using MediaPlayer v8 and beyond (it's in the EULA) :lol: ) Downloading anything is always a risk, no matter the source. We guarantee as far as we can that our plugs will be fine, but if your configuration is from Mars, we won't be held liable for something not working as planned. QED.

a single pass of the text was sufficient to ascertain the required occurances of your two letter phrase (Good one for Scrabble(tm), btw :)).

Keep in mind however though that this would be the 8.1.1 computer version of "Scrabble(tm)", not the one laying next to your grandma's dining room table.

My Grandma doesn't play, tbh, since she is terminally ill with cancer and lying in a bed in hospital; but you weren't to know that. An 'analog' version of Scrabble(tm) will be far less restrictive as to what you can play. It may well be that the 'digital' v8.1.1 won't allow 'EQ' since it is an abbreviation, and std rules are not keen on that. But a light hearted, nay, jocular game with the odd glass of port amongst friends (with a pre-agreed set of bends to the rules, and a wise choice of dictionary) will surely allow for such things :)


anonymous Tue, 10/11/2005 - 02:48

I say kick JP off this board. He's provided hilariously stubborn, deliberately provacative advocacy for ridiculous, unfounded theories at times, and it's been very entertaining. But when the racism and homophobia emerges, that's when I lose all fondness for the guy. Propogation of those ideas is totally unacceptable and utterly offensive. On top of that, I am by no means a prude, and the language in terms of swearing that has been used by JP AND by many others does not offend me in the slightest. But yes, as Dark suddenly realised, ANYONE can read this board. My 80 year old Mother has an interest in what I do, has the link for RO.ORG Children who may have ambitions to be recording musicians when they are older may be reading this stuff. What kind of impression does it give to people who were under the illusion that musicians are creative, intelligent people, who are able to express themselves through music, without needing to resort to such language? That includes Davedog and his attempt to curry favour among members by posting a stream of swear words to try to show how he is 'one of the guys'.

anonymous Tue, 10/11/2005 - 03:31

Reggie wrote: [quote=Jp22][quote=Reggie]
You sir are rediculous. But you know that by now. :P

You sir are obviously nowhere close to my genre of music, which requires alot more EQ'ing.... so if you find me "rediculous" then thats probably just the difference of the way you do things with the style of music you like (which i'm assuming is most likely african-american oriented). I sir, am high speed classical oriented with more distortion in one night than you use in an entire decade. SO, PISS OFF YOU ETHNIC MTV WUSSY!!!

Ha HA, actually I am the whitest of the white. Here is the back of my head:

And here is a metal band I recorded an album for recently (excuse the crap mp3's):

Freakin racist schmuck.....gonna get this awesome thread canned

JP, you have shown what you are all about. It is people like you that make this world a more hateful place. Sadly, you probably learned this attitude from you parents. In the cold light of truth, you should see yourself for what you are. Your ‘raison d'etre’ has been, to date, to stir the pot, which you have done quite well; however, you have used the wrong eq to trim the volume, sir.

Are you the kind of person that thinks African descendants have nothing to offer? I pity your ignorance. I would love to be a fly on the wall where you were the only person in a room. How would you handle this, I wonder. “Not well” is the resounding answer time and again. Perhaps there is hope for you, but I doubt it.

People like you think the rest of the world sees everything your way, so you assume no one would take offense at your insult. You and your ilk, sir, are a pox on mankind.

anonymous Tue, 10/11/2005 - 04:08

JP - Thanks for giving me such entertainment. I must have gotten through half my months supply of Asthma inhaler drugs because I was laughing SO much !

I have to say that half way through this thread I was thinking that this whole thing was a PR stunt by the people who run this site to get more members but it appears to be one of thoes rare gems that turn up once in a blue moon.

Thanks for the laughs JP !

I wouldn't have thought to visit this site if it wasn't for this thread

( the homophobic comments are just an obvious ploy to get this embarrising thread deleted and forgotten - shame )


Reggie Tue, 10/11/2005 - 06:23

Ciderman wrote: ( the homophobic comments are just an obvious ploy to get this embarrising thread deleted and forgotten - shame )


No doubt. Can't a mod just "clean up" his posts or something instead of wiping out the thread? I know it sucks policing, but this thread is almost worth it...

Davedog Tue, 10/11/2005 - 07:12

JP ...Its a shame you find anger to be the only medicine you'll take. Up until this latest lashing out, I felt you had a right to make your statements in peace within the community. My warning to you was about something unrelated to the subject at hand and as you seem to want to embellish us all with your spite I have no choice. I dont care a single bit what you say about me as I'm very comfortable in my own skin. But you seem all out of sorts. Besides, at this point you've become a struggling liability to yourself. Before you were quaint and somewhat entertaining, but now having been exposed as the self-righteous bigot you are its time to end the fun.

Sorry kids.

Jaxon13 Tue, 03/22/2011 - 11:57

took-the-red-pill, post: 161197 wrote: Drat! i've been exposed! How did you know???????

You prove that not only do you posess superior knowledge in the art of recording, but your ability to provide a psychological profile, AND my past history are unprecedented.

Do you accept interns? I have some time coming up and my mom/dad(the aforementioned hermaphroditic crack smoking **** queen) says she'll let me out of the basement if you'll take me on.

Actually it might be a symbiotic relationship. You could teach me all about:
-compression, limiting, dynamics, EQ, etc.
-tape vs. digital
-how to get the worlds greatest sound out of a non-tube guitar amp
-how to restore squashed dynamics with EQ
-the unknown secrets of the Syntrillium Engineers
-how to navigate the recording industry while avoiding the pitfalls of the Market Whores
-Which monitors to buy(NOT NS-10's of course!!!)

...and I could show you how to hook up and record three frigging tracks at the saaaaaaaaame tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime.

So? What do you think? If you're in, I'll talk to my mom tonight...oh, wait a minute, tonight is crack night at our house. Tell you what, I'll e-mail you later.

oops, gotta go, I think mom's coming down the sta

Oh, crap, my gut hurts from laughing so hard...!

audiokid Wed, 10/12/2011 - 21:30

aalina, post: 0 wrote: okkk you are looking for a new expert recording engineer you can find them easily by giving advertisement on
tv or in newspaper or you can also give it on internet and who they are interested come to you for
interviews and you will select according to your choice

Welcome to RO however...... Your last few replies are very confusing. Can you rephrase all this?

Jaxon13 Wed, 02/29/2012 - 07:53

audiokid, post: 385285 wrote: And whom might you be? Your profile doesn't say much?

I wondered the same thing. The Gslutz link takes you to a forum which has a link to the above famous/notorious flatulence unleashed all those years ago. So, a link to a link, which winds up here. I'm guessing that NN found the original RECORDING.ORG skirmish via said link and joined-up to tell us that JP22's still creating interpersonal magic with his maze of wild circumlocution. In short, I don't think it's JP22 touting himself (it would become pretty obvious, quickly, from his syntax and combative repartee)....yet one wonders....

audiokid Wed, 02/29/2012 - 08:47

NockNilte, post: 385290 wrote: Exactly. The world must know such a fine gentleman exists and, you know, have a good laugh ! I certainly had and wished to share, that's all.

I'm sure you aren't JP22, however, honesty and authenticity is something we put first here. is a BS free zone, we screen everyone. Your profile says you are from NYC but you are posting from France right now, why is that?

Jaxon13 Wed, 02/29/2012 - 09:03

audiokid, post: 385293 wrote: I'm sure you aren't JP22, however, honesty and authenticity is something we put first here. is a BS free zone, we screen everyone. Your profile says you are from NYC but you are posting from France right now, why is that?

audiokid, wow! So, that's what the gigantic periscope stickin' outta the top of your studio is for....:smile: One of the things I love about RECORDING.ORG--beyond all the experts freely sharing their knowledge, often with wry humor--is that it's screened and moderated so well; BS Free Zone puts it perfectly; and that's what sets it apart from the other sites, IMHO.

anonymous Wed, 02/29/2012 - 09:22

audiokid, post: 385293 wrote: I'm sure you aren't JP22, however, honesty and authenticity is something we put first here. is a BS free zone, we screen everyone. Your profile says you are from NYC but you are posting from France right now, why is that?

I'm on vacations. But revealing user location ? Bye guys !
Feel free to delete my account, and have a nice day ;)

audiokid Wed, 02/29/2012 - 11:52

NockNilte, post: 385297 wrote: I'm on vacations. But revealing user location ? Bye guys !
Feel free to delete my account, and have a nice day ;)

I rarely delete an account, I block them so you can't return though. Its another reasons why we are so BS free here and so awesome.

The way I look at it, If someone registering on a pro audio site like this doesn't have enough integrity to be honest by letting us know what country they reside in, or can't even add some piece of gear they use, they aren't worth our time.

Pass it on.smoke


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