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i've seen people on here bashing people because there suspected of having cracked software, lol...have you used it?
i have to admit i have...and whats the problem with it? the same as the original, dont bash me, lol...answer the question.
cracked software: NUENDO. sorry



audiokid Mon, 01/05/2009 - 10:57

What a totally ignorant question. Your poll has been removed.

Didn't anyone teach you right from wrong? How does any business function and grow forward without support? Would you like people to never pay you for your hard work? If you can't afford it, should we steal it because we can? Why do I want to network with someone that would steal from me?

The people that make up the core of this website, are people whom have invested their lives in this business. We are in this business and respect intellectual property, plain and simple. We embrace people we can trust and who don't steal, plain and simple rules in life.

anonymous Mon, 01/05/2009 - 10:59

It's a matter of principle here. I will admit I used a pirated waves bundle, but I quickly realized it was pretty much useless for me, since I could barely use it to anything of it's capacity. I would think some people would feel the same. Also, I wouldn't be surprised to find people on this forum who have had some hand in developing some of the software used here. And lastly, I use Cubase LE and Reaper, both of which are free, and offer very good if not close to professional results (When used right, just so I avoid some flames). So the question comes down to, if you could kill someone just because you can, would you do it?

anonymous Mon, 01/05/2009 - 11:18

sorry, its not an ignorant question, just like any other question i wanted to know, and believe me the "core" of this site dont say alot of things and are quick to bash for someone wanting to know simple things that concern noone else!! i asked this question, with all this music and hardware floating around this site noone had the ball to ask this!!
surly noone will admit it, lol..thats why i asked and trust that 90 percent of the newbies, and intermediate producers use cracked software, propably some advanced producers.

i ask what noone else will...dont bash me for it, lol

fourone3 Mon, 01/05/2009 - 11:19

I agree.

And your poll question is completely misleading.

Most people would take free equipment (assuming they actually have use for the gear). However, any right-minded person would not take STOLEN gear if it were free.

What if someone asked you to do the work you do for free? Unless you're inherently wealthy, I doubt you'd be able to afford to do such. Don't subject others to that.

anonymous Mon, 01/05/2009 - 11:25

the thing is i dont crack the software, lol
i dont own a torrent site or crack server

all my equipment i bought 1000's of dollars in equipment
whats getting me is how you immediatley assume that alot of you newbie producers use cracked software! like since they are newbs they cant start with a good dont know, but u still bash
the question is
"do you use cracked software?"
no bashing needed, lol...i understand about morals

good discussion

fourone3 Mon, 01/05/2009 - 11:38

all my equipment i bought 1000's of dollars in equipment

i have to admit i have...and whats the problem with it??? the same as the original, dont bash me, lol...answer the question.
cracked software: NUENDO......sorry

What's getting me is that you've now changed your answer. Your first post you mentioned you use Nuendo illegally. Now you're saying all of your equipment is bought and paid?

You also asked what the problem is with using cracked software. If you didn't want to get bashed, don't admit you steal.

I have not changed the fact of the discussion. Your post included a poll about getting Mackie gear for free instead of paying for such. That's why I responded in the manner I did.

I'm not bashing, I'm simply disagreeing with you and if you read between the lines I'm answering your question.

If you haven't figured it out, the answer is no.

audiokid Mon, 01/05/2009 - 12:04 is built around truth, honesty and principles. If we need to test something, use the demo. I believe, most of us will find a way to buy what we need. Cracked software is for the less fortunate, or for the people that think getting something free is cool.

I treat my computer like my mind. I don't hang out with thieves, share their ways on how to get things for free or promote them in anyway.

I removed your poll because content it being indexed by search engines daily. By us simply leaving your poll, and this topic going actually, creates a link to the outside world. It is flagging the door open to others who are looking for information on how to get cracked music software. One thing leads to another. We clean out the trash around here so the pirate rats don't attract their circle of friends and stink up our community. I will leave this topic up for a day to prove the power of this thread.

Your question is a valid one, however, you are not going to use RO to learn about loosing.

This is why we hammer down on spam and topics like this.

pmolsonmus Mon, 01/05/2009 - 12:14

BluepryntEnt wrote: like i ment ...hardware/not the same as software


Of course if its JUST software its not stealing :-? I really didn't steal your novel or the CD you created and spent months of your life working on, I just copied it and returned it to Barnes and Noble. No harm, no foul... The original is still there.

I certainly hope you aren't paid an hourly salary by your employer, cause the original is still there. He/She hasn't removed anything from you physically, its just your time (i.e. not hardware)

You're a moron - grow up, get a clue or go away.

FlyBass Mon, 01/05/2009 - 12:14

I find the attitude that stealing software isn't the same as stealing hardware unnerving. It's the same attitude as says downloading music or movies without paying for them is okay.

Stealing is stealing.

There are plenty of free or shareware programs out there, don't embarrass our community by taking money from the developers that allow us to create music using their revolutionary tools.

We love what we do, whether professionally or as hobbyists, and freeloaders who don't understand the difference between inappropriate and appropriate behavior have no business being here with the hard working men and women of these forums.

My opinion.

audiokid Mon, 01/05/2009 - 12:22 used to have one of the largest, if not the largest Pro Audio DIY forum on the planet called Tech Talk. It started from nothing and within 4 years is was massive. It was very interesting and extremely helpful until it became full of thousands of members that didn't want to pay for anything they could steal. They would openly discuss how to copy products and how to sell them under the table. They used RO to market their network on backwards engineering. It was an extremely ugly and aggressive crowd.

I deleted the entire forum one day and never looked back. They tried to crash RO, harvest all our website and did everything they could to ruin this website. They didn't win. is a much happier place and the members here are respectful. Its been that way ever since.

natural Mon, 01/05/2009 - 12:30

Oh, I have to hear this answer.
Hardware and software are different commodities to you because why?

Hardware needs to be researched and tested. Same as software.
Hardware needs to be packaged, manuals written, etc. Same as software.
Hardware needs tech support, service people, advertising, etc. Same as software.

Some how you think that it's different. But to everyone else it's exactly the same.
Maybe you think that hardware is different because each unit has to be physically made.
Parts are relatively inexpensive and that cost is built into the price. That's why software is much cheaper. You only need to pay a little bit for software, but you can't even bring yourself to do that.

If you would have bought your software like you did your hardware, you would be investing in a company that makes the tools for you to work with. Without your support, the rest of us have to pay more and we would really prefer to not have to take up the slack for people like you.
Please don't make us bring up the welfare analogy.
Make an honest living, don't be a slacker.
We call it being honest, and it's the right thing to do.

fourone3 Mon, 01/05/2009 - 12:51

like i ment ...hardware/not the same as software

Really? That's your rationale? I tell you what. Walk into your favorite pro audio store (preferably where you've spent thousands of dollars on your equipment), walk over to the software, pick it up and walk out the door.

After all, it's only software, right?

so just answer the question

Have you really not gotten the answer yet?

audiokid Mon, 01/05/2009 - 13:01


You certainly are focused. Why do you want to know this and why do a poll that you didn't even answer before I deleted it ? What purpose will the poll serve you, or us when we all know it leads to one thing.

I'm guessing you feel the poll will tell a more realistic result, yes? Either way, a poll is useless and leads nowhere but what is being discussed now. The forum is not full of people that search for wares sites. You are asking this question at the wrong community.

What I do find interesting is how we all feel about this here.

Jaxon13 Mon, 01/05/2009 - 13:08

The moral issue aside: it's a pointless question, asked by someone who has no valid reason for asking it. It's a shame that people like this use their "skills" to illegally crack software when they should be using this same, supposed creativity to figure out the intricate nuances of their legitimately-obtained equipment and software....

As Bugs Bunny would say: What a maroon!


anonymous Mon, 01/05/2009 - 13:35

doin ya research on me huh?, lol...??c'mon now,
i bought those, i dont have to explain anything, and if i wanted the newer versions it would only be a click of a mouse to get em, lol

also have cubase 4, adobe audition, nuendo, reason 4, and ableton live 6
might make ya angry but dont get mad at the answer you asked the question

anonymous Mon, 01/05/2009 - 13:43

BluepryntEnt wrote: also have cubase 4, adobe audition, nuendo, reason 4, and ableton live 6
might make ya angry but dont get mad at the answer you asked the question

Someone submit this fools IP and MAC address to the [[url=http://[/URL]="…"]cyber division of the FBI[/]="…"]cyber division of the FBI[/]. He's admitting grand larceny here.

jammster Mon, 01/05/2009 - 13:47

I cant believe it! You say you understand the morals.

Are you high on the weed or crack? Only someone who is into drugs would be wanting to know about your poll.

Answer the question yes or no! Are you high?? I think you are!

You don't want to be bashed but yet you want to know who is out there using cracked software, WHY?? I would be ashamed of myself for saying such things.

Have some respect here, if we could see your face and know where you live would you be saying this? I really don't think so.

We all have a reputation, weather we are proud of it or not. Your just bringing to our collective shameful conduct that a good number of us would rebuke!
Have at least a little respect for audiokid and the wonderful forum we have here before someone finds you out and you take it personally.

Your the one whos gonna get hurt. You wont be lol anymore!

Even worse, just think if more people were to invite others to use cracked software there would no longer be good development period!!!

BluepryntEnt your just asking for it.

A lot of us who are professionals and serious about our passion for recording don't share the view that "its cool to use cracked software", thats more of an abuser type mindset and those of us who have any dignity don't respect that kind of behavior, period!

Sober up and stop laughing.


anonymous Mon, 01/05/2009 - 13:53

lol, i said i have it not pirated it

i smell jealousy

i could bicker with you all, but its not worth it
and is the name calling really called for??
your the morons paying 1000 to 3000 for your software, lol
and i still make excellent sounding music in my commercial studio for my loads of artist, cracked software didnt give me all this, my talent did.

no im not high

you all have the mindset that noone is able to have the best things.
ive read many questions that the asker was suspected of having cracked software on numerous occasions, by moderators at that!!, why because they have the newest program and dont know how to use it, or just because you dont have it.
thats was the point of my question, to bring all that to the light, like i said no one will admit it, and even after today askers are still gonna get suspected, or even bashed because they are suspected to have pirated software, im just one who have the balls to admit it,......

you wanna research something research half the questions in your forum, and you'll see what i mean

anonymous Mon, 01/05/2009 - 14:12


I hope that soon you realize the value of labor. Both that of investing your time into something and getting paid, and what those dollars that you have earned are really worth. I hope that even with the internet diluting personality across the globe you realize that it is still valuable to be of strong moral fiber. I hope some day that you understand that stealing and other cruel actions hurt people even if you don't know who they are and they do not know you.

I realize that you are young and feel invulnerable, but please grow up soon.


anonymous Mon, 01/05/2009 - 14:15

FlyBass wrote: cracked = pirated = stolen = illegal

I hope you tell your customers that they are dealing with a studio that uses stolen software. Or does that give you more street cred?

they just like the music i produce
this isnt about me, lol, i never would have asked the question if i hadnt seen so much bashing about it, so instead of trashing me trash these moderator bashers that think they know it all sir. you welcome

jammster Mon, 01/05/2009 - 16:01

Blueprint scam entertainment,
you provide the hard work and we were happy to take all the credit and your money too!

Thanks bluy, thats brilliant! You think your a genius? The whole world should bow before you and worship you as the savior of $1000 of dollars.

Truth is your just looking for justification from others for you to use your cracked piece of *hit.

Yep, laughing about theft is really cool. Gets you lots of praise and glory too.

Somehow he thinks that since he did not crack it he is not responsible for it.

Truth is once you become responsible you start to grow in positive ways.

So bluy, don't even try to accuse the world of using crack, just wipe your butt so you don't stink too bad,
its less offensive! The girls might start liking you more too.

Space Mon, 01/05/2009 - 17:37

BluepryntEnt wrote: i've seen people on here bashing people because there suspected of having cracked software, lol...have you used it???
i have to admit i have...and whats the problem with it??? the same as the original, dont bash me, lol...answer the question.
cracked software: NUENDO......sorry

I haven't seen anyone come down hard on another for using cracked-ware on this site. Come down, yes, hard, no.There are reasons that people do this, the coming down part.


It's because this is as much a cultural virus as the common cold. It isn't about(hang on and I will answer your question directly) who suffers financially and it really isn't a moral issue. It is a simple bit of training that parents do to a child.

The child didn't steal the cookie in any sense of the word. But the child knew not to take it. So the parent corrects the child. The child can learn about the cookie but latter may have to be trained in the same fashion about toys.
It is a tempering of the human mind to learn, at once, to monitor self and move about in this world to temper another in these areas of personal growth.

The human condition suffers greatly from the lack of tempering. But in it's defense, there is a balance of "teachers" that know this "impulse" control issue when they see it. Instant gratification is part of it.

Few want to submit the time it takes to develop a lifetime.

They want what they want when they want it.

To your question, yes I have used cracked software. To extend on that answer, my personal experience with it was modified in ways I did not like.

I did not "feel" right about it. I did not loose sleep but I did stop using it rather immediately. My personal experience and trying to get on, and stay on, the high road is far more important.

Your question would have been far more effective and had a more positive impact had it been asked from true want of insight rather than an attempt to build a small army of like minded individuals.

Karma. It happens individually and it happens collectively.

So the question really should have been; "I have no interest in the people around me or myself and want to drag each and every person I come in contact with down to the lowest level I can. A level I am familiar with because I have no care for myself and I have no care for you."

Think before you speak Blue. The damage is on you and you will not know that until some months or even years go by when you revisit your own words and think quietly "what a fool I have been."

Brien Holcombe

hueseph Mon, 01/05/2009 - 19:19

Blueprynt: Do you have an address? I need your address. PM me please.

Alas. I wanted so much to get your address to report you to the SIIA. Unfortunately Steinberg does not participate in their program. At any rate, it may still come back to spank you. I'm working on it. Hopefully you will get a subpoena soon.

audiokid Mon, 01/05/2009 - 19:25

audiokid wrote: is built around truth, honesty and principles. If we need to test something, use the demo. I believe, most of us will find a way to buy what we need. Cracked software is for the less fortunate, or for the people that think getting something free is cool.

I treat my computer like my mind. I don't hang out with thieves, share their ways on how to get things for free or promote them in anyway.

I removed your poll because content it being indexed by search engines daily. By us simply leaving your poll, and this topic going actually, creates a link to the outside world. It is flagging the door open to others who are looking for information on how to get cracked music software. One thing leads to another. We clean out the trash around here so the pirate rats don't attract their circle of friends and stink up our community. I will leave this topic up for a day to prove the power of this thread.

Your question is a valid one, however, you are not going to use RO to learn about loosing.

This is why we hammer down on spam and topics like this.

In less than 14 hours of this topic being posted, we are attracting rats.


recording org members rock!
