I am doing some recording with a 4 track handheld recorder (Zoom H4n). It creates two stereo wav files (Mic L-R and Instrument L-R). Once I import the files into two stereo tracks in Cubase 4, I would like to split the stereo files into 4 separate tracks.
Is there an easy way of doing this? Thanks!
Imaginaryday wrote: cubase does give you an option to split a st
Imaginaryday wrote: cubase does give you an option to split a stereo track into 2 mono ones. it doesn't get easier than that.
Could you please describe to me how to accomplish that?
The only time Cubase asks if I want to save to different tracks is if I have selected multiple wav files to import.
And regardless of what I do, it always imports each stereo wav file into a single stereo track.
Thanks for any help!
It would appear from the 4LE documentation that splitting a ster
It would appear from the 4LE documentation that splitting a stereo file on import is not available like in the full version. Here is a work around.
Import your stereo track. Adjust the pan hard left. Bounce to new track/file. Save this new track/file. Remove it from the session. Go back to the original track and pan hard right. Bounce this to a new track/file. Save this one with a new name. Now you have two mono files.
I don't know about Cubase really. In Audition you would highl
I don't know about Cubase really.
In Audition you would highlight the stereo track in Edit mode. Press Ctrl-R (or L) and . Repeat with the other half of the selection. Now you have two mono files where there was one stereo file.
Alternatively you could duplicate the track and hard pan one L and hard pan the other R.