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Hey all,

I have been running PT's on mac's for sheesh atleast 8 or 9 years now. I gave my girlfriend a digi001 but she cant afford to pick up a mac right now. In anycase she has a decent PC that I *thought* we could use except now I'm stumped.

The mobo is an ASUS A7V266-E VIA chipset, athlon XP 2000 chip, 512 meg of ram. I set up dual boot on it with 2 partitions, two clean installs of XP Pro with all of the vital updates including SP1. Anyhow I installed 5.3.1 on one of the partitions and when I launched the app I got all the way to the point where I could select menus, I went to create a new project and thats where it froze. After this I had to do a hard reset, I went back to try and launch Pro Tools again and I got some kind of "violation" error wouldnt even goto the splash screen. I uninstalled and tried reinstalling with same results. There is nothing else on the drive. Any thoughts on what I could do? I will admit that I'm more mac savvy but definitely can work my way around a pc. Thanks in advance, steve

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Opus2000 Wed, 01/29/2003 - 20:26

Couple of thoughts come to mind is an IRQ conflict and two is the dual partition you are setting up. Is there a reason you need to do a dual partition? you must be using Partition Magic or something to get XP to dual boot...normally it can not do that.
So...first check with the IRQ land to see if there are any issues on that part...
Also make sure to get the latest Via 4in1 patches..we all know how wonderful Via can be in our DAW world life!
Opus :D

lorenzo gerace Wed, 01/29/2003 - 23:41


I'm certainly not as knowledgeable as Opus, but my DAW configuration is similar to yours, except I have an Asus A7M266 and an Athlon 1800 XP; try putting the 001 PCI in a different slot (good results in 001 land have been obtained with slot 3) and to force its IRQ in Bios ( 9 and 10 seem to work good) so that it doesn't have to share it with anything else; as for the dual boot I have one too, and I set it up without Partition Magic, just partitioned the drive in DOS and insatlled Win 98SE in the first larger partition, then let Win XP format the other as NTFS and install, and now each time I boot the computer it automatically asks me which OS to choose, and I installed PT 5.1.0 on the 98SE partition and PT 5.3.1 on the XP Pro; I'm still testing the system in this configuartion, and though it seems some minor flaws are present (it seems to be slightly less powerful than a single OS config, that's strange as Win 98SE shouldn't even be aware of XP existence, it should just treat the HD like a smaller drive, but it could be a slower audio drive that I'm using right now), the system runs almost trouble-free, I'm just working on some sessions right now, the XP incompatibility is completely untrue (it's in fact recommended by Digidesign as the only OS working for PT 5.3.1), same goes for Win 2000 which is totally not compatible with PT LE.

Another suggestion I feel could be good is to do a search on the Digi compatibility web page (tough the A7V266E is known to be a full compatibility board, I was headed toward it before choosing mine) and on the User Conference, where there's lots of cool guys really experienced on troubleshooting 001 systems on PC.

Hope this helps

