27 September 2006
Hi I have Cubase SX. When iam trying to record on an Audio track say vocals or somthing Cubase records all the other tracks on to that one track aswell. i really dont know how to get rid of this problem can anyone help me pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze? :(
Hmmm. Also, the folks over at would know best
Hmmm. Also, the folks over at would know best about Cubase issues. That's the first place I would look. All you have to do is register your activation key. :wink:
$ .02 lemme guess another soundblaster???? search the files her
$ .02
lemme guess another soundblaster???? search the files here... it has to do with "what you hear" being ticked some where in s-b preferences if memory serves...