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I think that Cubase Essential 4 might be where I want to go after I've taken Audacity as far as it goes.

One of my biggest concerns is to have a clean screen. I can't work with dark screens; especially low-contrast dark screens stuffed with tiny controls. It's like having to deal with people who mumble instead of speak. It's a pain and it makes things harder than they need to be.

Does Cubase Essential 4 have, or can it have, relatively clear, bright screens and reasonably large, relatively unshaded controls?

Thank you



hxckid88 Tue, 04/08/2008 - 18:57

I learned Cubase LE right after I "maxed out" what Audacity could do. Great for starters and then I moved on to SX and then Cubase Studio 4. I guess Cubase Essential is more similar to SE? *shrug* Anywho, I never have a problem with contrast or the "look" of the interface. Some people may complain that all the colors are very neutral. Grey, black, white, and a blueish tint. Of course green and reds are used to identify statuses. They all kind of blend in now but I am used to where things are and recognizing graphics as opposed to colors. Not sure if thats what you mean, maybe you just mean if its hard on the eyes or not, but as for me it is fine and I am only running Cubase on one monitor (when I get two itll be much easier and more productive...) Why dont you try a version of it to see if you like it? I almost never suggest this, but perhaps download it and see if you like it, but please, buy your software if you figure out that it is for you.


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