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Has anyone tried the distressor with BRITISH MOD? I use distressor now sounds great but I'm wondering if BRITISH MOD IS A BIG DIFFERENCE? Im currently using nuke on the distressor for vocals and it's coming out pretty nice.


anonymous Thu, 04/08/2004 - 00:40

Wow that sounds awsome, Right now im doing 6 ratio and PUTTING DIST MODE 3 for VOCALS and man thats coming out nice, But im using a m audio mic pre 20 dollras not bad but Im thinkin of gettin a neve or API, You guys sound pretty pro know of anything cheaper that sounds almost as good so that maybe I can get a eventide or something? Thanks for the help by the way

jameslugo Mon, 04/12/2004 - 20:11

Hey everyone,

I just joined and wanted to say hi.

I used the Distressor last week in Brit Mode on a room mic with drums and squashed the s**t out of it, then threw a filter on it and used it like a loop. Sounded killer and the client was happy. This seems like a very cool forum. :lol:

Guest Tue, 04/13/2004 - 04:18

While I have found all kinds of uses for the EL-8X [model number for the distressor with "Brit" and Image mods], if you were considering a pair of EL-8X's [called the EL-8SX], the Smart Research C-2 is only about a $100 USD more expensive, and at least in my world, is quite a bit more versatile... and even with the "Image mod" on the distressor, the C-2 tracks left/right stereo far better than the distressors.

The C-2's "crush" mode sounds different than the "brit mod", but can be used with wild success in similar applications. One is not really a substitute for the other... but if I were going to add something in that price range to my arsenal... I would add the C-2 before the EL-8SX... but as always... YMMV


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