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drag-dropped photos of a door install to my desktop. JW what the correct way to post them on RO.? thnx. kyle


Kurt Foster Tue, 11/13/2012 - 06:19

above the box you write your post in there are icons on the left side. the last group of icons are for linking un linking posting photos or posting videos. click on the icon that says "insert image". this will pull up a menu. select "from computer" and browse for desktop. your photo will be there. click on your photo and then click on OK

kmetal Fri, 11/16/2012 - 03:08

i just went thru the process, and after i selected the pic i wanted, i waited for about 5 min, and no button came up to confirm the upload. "x"ing out the box brought me back to square 1. am i exceeding the upload limit? it's a 264kb photo 1600x1200 pixels, 24 bits, 72x72dpi. i dunno i feel like i am insane, not being able to post pics here. i must be doing something wrong, nobody else seems to have issues posting pics.