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I cant believe this! I buy this 737 (which is a killer unit, trying to buy another..) from Nashville USED, pop it in my rack and start
fudging around with a signal and all of a sudden...sctratch...crack..pop..fluffzzzzz (no, I did not eat beans)dreaded scratchy pot syndrome. I could not really complain because I got it at a great price, so I contact Avalon
to get the 5 pots fixed and get the opto recalibrated. So, I ask in an email to Avalon "how much" for 5 pots and recal? This still blows me away, here is what he wrote back:

"We will test and re-calibrate your 737. We will also replace
ALL the pots for no charge and pay for the return freight back
to you.

Best regards,

Avalon Tech


Incredible. I thought it was worth mentioning. The guy tells me over the phone "they are designed to last a lifetime", well, there you go.

Someone told me earlier on this board that Avalon was second to none in service. I AGREE!



anonymous Fri, 08/09/2002 - 19:02

Well ... don't jump up and down quite yet untill you see how long it takes to get back to you ... Mine took over 5 months to return when the mic input wasn't functionong :mad:

And yeah .. the pre is nice. For my taste though, the comp. is almost pointless (too slow) and the Q doesn't exactly thrill me :eek:

anonymous Mon, 08/12/2002 - 14:47

5 months? Well, I'll let you know, he told me the turn around was in three days.

I am jumping up and down because I never originally owned it and I don't know any company who will take what you bought used, replace all the pots in it, recalibrate the comp and pay the shipping back to you. Not to many out there.

Sorry to hear you got a bum deal, but I still think they kick ass...

anonymous Sun, 08/18/2002 - 19:26

Originally posted by e-cue:
The pots on the 737 DO suck. That being said, ditto on Avalon being great about 'fixing' the problem.

The original pots on the first bunch of 737's were faulty and prone to go scratchy - it was avalons policy to replace these no questions asked - the newer models had different pots from a different manufacturer - never the less - my expereince from their support has been great

coldsnow Sat, 08/24/2002 - 16:58

I Personally love the eq. It isn't narrow enough without a Q function to do sergical cuts, but to add a beutiful high end or extra guts or low end it's great. The compressor works very nice for things you want to sit a little back in the mix (not be right out in front). For things like rythem guitar or some basses it's great. It also works well on certain vocal situations that again don't need to be right out front.
